Nand Memory


Jun 12, 2006
When i connect usb cable it gets connected automatically, then removeable disk shows up when i select it and says disk not found in f drive, how can i install in the nand memory.
sukhigp said:
How can i copy from sd card to nand memory.
Squidge said:
You'll probably have to copy the file(s) onto an sd card, and then write a script to copy those file to nand (which is then run via the standard menu)
I'd ask Squidge for further details.
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cp /mnt/sd/<file or folder> /mnt/nand/
cd /usr/gp2x

replace <file or folder> with the path of whatever you want to copy and save this as a .gpe file and run it. Use notepad, not Word.
qtopia can access nand, you can use the file manager or terminal to copy whatever files you want
I'm trouble using enexfi, the only thing i can do is select the folders how do i copy my files from sd to nand.
Does FW 4.0 still have GPH's Explorer? It is easier to use (just not as feature-packed as enexfi). I don't have FW 4.0, so I don't know if its still there or how to use it.

I haven't really used enexfi, read the readme to figure it out.