Name That Spider


Advanced Member
Who knows their arachnids?

I get a fair amount of spiders wander through my abode, but most are garden spiders, daddy longlegs, or little black ones.

First time I've seen this little fella

[image spoiler'd for benefit of any phobics]


Is a fairly small one, about 2cm squared.

Translucent legs and body, with 2 very red stripes down its back.

Tried to take a snap showing the red stripes.

Anyone have any idea what it is?
Nice :)

Candy Spider, that looks to be the chap.

Just checked common locations of it over here, and it does seem to be most popular where I live


Surprised I've never noticed one ever before though.

Cheers for that 
I live in Milton Keynes, about 50 miles from London and I've never seen one of those before either. I'll keep my eye out for one now though :)
Didn't look.

Kill it before it kills you.  It will kill you if you give it a chance.  It might be easiest to burn down the, that would give it time to run out and kill you.  Maybe blow up the house.  Or move away.
My work colleague was trying to come up with a name for his new Chilean Rose Tarantula. I said "Cuddles." That then became his official name. :D
I pet spiders. There's no venomous spiders where I live :)
Same here. Some spiders may bite you... Fells like a wasp sting. But nothing dangerous. Most of the spiders are just very helpful housemates. :D Oh and one spider is actually venomous - but it lives in swamps (Yes, IN the water).