N64 Emulation

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Still Fresh
Dec 13, 2005
is it possible? Lets say u had a huge frameskip along with some major coding fixes could it be done
yeah erm... no!
Use the frickin search function douchebag!!! This has been discussed like a million times before. It's not possible, not even with frameskip 100...
SEARCH or at least read the Faq or the wiki. It's all in there... and stop asking stupid question people... why does this happen so often?

Actually, to at least provide you with some kind of an answer: The n64 has a totally different processor, that would be a mips while ours is for one thing an arm processor and only 32 bits while the n64 is 64 bits. So apart from the processor having totally different op-codes available and an entirely different memory and processing architecture the n64 also makes heavy use of floating point math, which however the gp2x cannot do. Floating point can only be emulated and that would be seriously slow. So nope... not possible.
Actually, the N64 has a 32-bit processor...

But it wouldn't be playable to the point where it's worth it to code it. If we had an FPU, maybe, if we had a 3D-accelerator, maybe, but since we have neither, almost certainly not.
the XboX is to weak to be emulated, but how about the 360 one? :P
The 360 hardware would be tough to emulate, but if we just emulated the games rather than the hardware, it would be easy ;)
I am looking forward to PS3 emulation. It's so tiring having to carry two consoles on the bus every morning. Of course, I will still buy all the actual games, it's just they load faster from an iso.

So come on, Squidge, Emulate the PS3. And then get started on the PS4.
when I tried to emulate a tripple core cpu yesterday and a neuronal network, my gp2x got too hot so I had to switch it off before burning my hands... seriously, we need some watercooling hardware. But I heard that someone was working on a coldfusion psu so we could get around the power problem... xbox 360 would be possible in no time with that and who knows, maybe even xbox 720... :D

EDIT: @squidge: maybe you should try a different time travel concept then. How about mounting your gp2x on a Delorean and then use the flux capacitor to pass the time/space barrier. But you would need lybian plutonium to do that... hard to get.
Gruntfuggly posted on Mar 31 2006 at 01:25 PM said:
Are you guys mad?! Surely it would be easier to simply emulate the PSP - can't that already emulate PS3 and XBox 360?

yup, but it's so much fun reinventing the wheel !
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If we can't emulate N64 why not just clone? Yeah we could just take N64 ROMs and re-compile for the GP2X :rolleyes: j/k

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!! why is it every few days some lamer crash lands here asking about N64 emulation? Can there really be that many clueless people ;)
yer wuna bet wer r da roms cos u iz all lik wel crppy n cnt even make a crappy likkle ps1 game i fnd sum roms 4 u t www.romzrwelgudinit.com/warezdalotbruvs but y wont it work 4 me to just put a n64 game on da gp n wot iz a n64 neway iz dat lyk a psp or sumink coz dey iz lik, wel bling.
Goity posted on Mar 31 2006 at 05:48 PM said:
yer wuna bet wer r da roms cos u iz all lik wel crppy n cnt even make a crappy likkle ps1 game i fnd sum roms 4 u t www.romzrwelgudinit.com/warezdalotbruvs but y wont it work 4 me to just put a n64 game on da gp n wot iz a n64 neway iz dat lyk a psp or sumink coz dey iz lik, wel bling.

Your Mum.
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