thats exactly what I thought before I found out about the GP32, it's a lot better than everyone makes it out to be. People hear that it sucks from a friend who never had it, who was told that it sucked by some guy on the internet who played the store display of "Tomb Raider" once and deemed it crap after seeing the $200 price tag. Thats how the world works, everyone thinks it sucks after doing no research on it at all ("It's a taco! A TACO!!! It's terrible!"). Heck, I could post on these boards from an N-Gage with the opera browser, I've seen people do that before. And it has no real limit on card size, it's just as big as you can get. You can put a 512mb mmc in now, or wait 2 years and put a 1 gig one in. It's much more durable than the GP32 and GBA too. And with the battery case thing, who cares about the batteries when you can put a 512mb card in? I think there's a way to upload your games to the card anyway. I never change my GP32's card. The multiplayer aspect seems really good too, with the built in bluetooth. The fact that it's a phone actually helps it in the multiplayer aspect as you could use that connection to play WAN games actoss the world while riding the bus. In all I think the N-Gage is actually pretty sweet, it's the closest thing to a GP32 other than the Zodiac. I didn't buy it because of some flaws (mainly just the battery life and the small screen). Even if I take it out somewhere at school or something it will just be the nerdy kids who think it's stupid, the others will have never heard about it and would think that the GameBoy is stupid because of kids breaking it out at lunch and playing Yu-Gi-Oh!. In most places, Nintendo is considered stupid by the average joe because it's only for kid's, whereas many adults use Nokia products. So generally, the only people who hate it are the gamers (who unfortunatly are Nokia's core demographic on the product). Well enough spamming for me, I never got one, but I still stand up for it against ignorant people who dont know anything about it (not you guys, just everyone else)Dozer posted on Feb 29 2004 at 03:07 PM said:, you know, the more i actually hear about the n-gage, without all the anti nokia stuff, the more i think... maybe... i might get 1....
Not as a phone! Just to mess about with! In a year they will cost pennies so ill get one then.