Mystery Of The Fday Reveiled

bast525 posted on May 17 2005 at 09:04 AM said:
Evil Dragon which emu's are you beta testing for Ryleh?

Currently released is fGB32, fCol32 and fMSX32
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I am a betatester, but I can't see the betas in rlyehs page !
What I'm missing ?
EvilDragon posted on May 17 2005 at 05:05 PM said:
Go check the frontpage for some movies :)


Did you see ED's thumbs????


(Thanks! They look wonderful :D )
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god, that looks promising.

but one thing I noticed: ED missed the box with the mushroom in Super mario Land on the first try :P . Go and train a little :D :lol: j/k
Horscht posted on May 17 2005 at 07:27 PM said:
god, that looks promising.

but one thing I noticed: ED missed the box with the mushroom in Super mario Land on the first try :P . Go and train a little :D :lol: j/k

Haha, go try playing with a camera right before the screen... I didn't even have a chance looking directly on the screen, I had to play using the cameras viewfinder...

Boy, my thumbs still hurt ;)
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DaveC posted on May 15 2005 at 07:43 PM said:
Blah posted on May 15 2005 at 05:09 PM said:


I was looking foward to a suprise 13th emulator... :(

CRAP! It didn't work! But I stay happy :)

Well I guess you will just have to "suffer" with "only" 12 free emulators :rolleyes:

I am just happy that he is updating and completing his emus. Many devs will release a half done buggy "teaser" and then abandon it. Rlyeh should be thanked and even donated to, for what he has done, and is doing.
bleeding hell i agree with you DaveC for once :ph34r: nice1
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the vids are really good lookin', I' m upset to know that I will have to wait september to can play it... :(
The_Sheik posted on May 18 2005 at 02:20 AM said:
the vids are really good lookin', I' m upset to know that I will have to wait september to can play it... :(

Why till september?
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I'm hoping that Rlyeh won't announce his release but instead just make his icons available from his webpage (as they are greyed out at the moment with no link). You can just imagine the excitement, should someone stumble on his page. fDay is going to be a day to remember :D.
