my SMC got corrupted - this happen to you?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
hey folks, I have had this thing for a little while now, maybe 3 months. no problems with it, works fine, etc.

i put fresh charged batteries in yesterday, played for maybe an hour since. I was using snes9xGP OC'd to 156. i turned off the machine and turned it back on so i could boot into a different program.. when i was back at the "game screen" it said "SMC not loaded or game not present". COuldn't load.
so i hooked back up to PC and nothing wa sshowing up thru the interface (I do not have a standalone card reader). All i got out of the GP32 interface was that the card was not formatted. Wha? Well whatever, i reformatted it and i'm reinstaling everything now. no big deal, just a waste of time. i'd like not to have to repeat it regularly if possible. anyone know what might have happened?
(card is 128Mb lexar, I believe)

ps. card previously had a corruption issue before i reformatted recently, becuase i could not access the genesis rom folder on it through the interface (though I could load games off it thru the emulator)

and it happened again! 45 min. reformatting/putting stuff back on, and it's all lost again. didnt even play it this time. dubious...
wasnt a card reader, was the normal GP32 interface..

btw, second time i just forgot to install freelancher, it works now
Whenever thats happened to me its normally

a) cause i pulled it out the card reader without ejecting.
B) stuck the card in the gp32 the wrong way and switched it on.. whihc is really easily done..
c) could be static... always keep mine in plastic cases when not in use.
I've discovered my SMC cards (various sizes/makes) often get corrupted after I've used snes9xGP - after I've reuploaded all the corrupted files, it all works fine again without me 'repairing' the SMC.

I'm not certain, but I think the save state functions in snes9xGP must corrupt the SMC somehow (possibly not checking if there are any files in the space it is writing to?) as I've never had any problems with the same cards with other programs (they've also never corrupted when used in my camera). I now just use my version of SnesEmu and not had any problems since.
the easiest thing to do i just copy all the files from your smc to your pc in all their folders so that if something does go wrong you don't have to re-download anything and start creating new folders etc
frogger posted on Sep 16 2003 at 11:11 AM said:
I'm not certain, but I think the save state functions in snes9xGP must corrupt the SMC somehow (possibly not checking if there are any files in the space it is writing to?) as I've never had any problems with the same cards with other programs (they've also never corrupted when used in my camera)
there are no save states in snes9xgp
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I thought I had this happen to me yesterday. I overclocked to 166 mhz in GPEngine and it crashed after a few seconds. When i turned it on again and tried to run the Freeloader, I had an error dialogue box appear (it was in a foreign language). I thought it was the batteries, but no dice.

Finally in frustration i ripped the SMC out of the GP32 while it was still turned on (and at this error screen). The error screen dissappeared, and when i put the SMC back in it worked flawlessly.

Not sure if this is the same thing you guys are experiencing, but it could be worth a try.
I'd say that was fluke. Wouldn't reccomend anyone rips an smc card out any device while its on. You could damage the card premanetly. I know for a fact if i rip it out my card reader with out clicking eject data gets corrupted.
It's fine to remove a card from a device when it's on, as long as data isn't currently being written to the card. A card reader will cache data before it writes, and ejecting the card is the process of flushing the cache and making sure everything is written to the card. Remove it before ejecting and you have no idea what may or may not actually be on there.
bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 16 2003 at 10:48 AM said:
there are no save states in snes9xgp
I'm referring to this (from the snes9xgp readme file):

If you want to write to a save file, you must save in the menu before
turning off your gp32. Access the menu by pressing start+select
after loading a file.
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Evil_Cartman posted on Sep 16 2003 at 12:31 PM said:
geez, how many times am i gonna say this?
Original Firmware > PC-Link > press Select Button > data restored.
That very rarely works on my corrupted SMCs
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frogger posted on Sep 16 2003 at 04:24 PM said:
Evil_Cartman posted on Sep 16 2003 at 12:31 PM said:
geez, how many times am i gonna say this?
Original Firmware > PC-Link > press Select Button > data restored.
That very rarely works on my corrupted SMCs
Always works on mine :D. maybe try a few times.
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this topic seem old but jus wanna check if anyone else has this problem and has a solution.

my 128 smc now face this problem. at first i thought it was snes9xgp. so i removed the program. running only the gpcinema and gpMadmp3 player, the smc still gets corrupted occassionally.

yesterday, i rebooted gpMadmp3 player (pressing select + L+ R) and when i hit play, the same error message came out (no file or smc not inserted).

I connect the smc to a card reader and it shows an empty smc!

tried to reformat with GP32manager, no joy; the GP manager couldn't reformat the card cos of timed out error. pressing select to repair also no joy, same timed out error. i tried a different smc (16m) to format theres no problem, so the fault is not the manager.

thus i could only reformat the corrupted smc via one of the utility downloaded (forgot its name). i then reloaded my avi and mp3 and the programs back, and everything works fine again.

a day or two later, the same thing happened!

any solutions :(?

this is especialliy vexing when playing rpgs with srm files. i have to restart everything! :(!
I've only had this happen to me once, and it wasn't serious at all.
The only thing that got corrupt was some of my gameboy games. I just deleted the corrupt roms, and put them back on, and all was right.