this has had me unable to actually build ttx for a couple of days now and is making a mockery of my desired beta release date which is now in only 3 days -_- nothing I can do can fix it.
basically, I was happilly compiling and building ttx on my new pc setup. I had migrated my project over, got a fresh install of the devkit going and everything WAS working great with visual studio 2005e, everything compiled and built etc etc. Randomly when I went to continue doing some coding the other day i went to build and boom, unresolved lua externals. to be precise:
not impressed. this is where it gets upsettingly funny though. if I remove any of the lua libraries (liblua and liblualib) from the linker command line then it throws a whole bunch more unresolved externals so it really IS finding and linking with the libraries, it just cant for some reason find those bloody functions! I downloaded fresh source for lua 5.0.2 (have never made lua 5.1.1 work properly and dont need anything new it offers) and recompiled it for arm using the devkit and cygwin, just like I did with the original libs I compiled, and its not helped at all. Nothing I do seems to fix this random throwing of errors. Anyone got any clues? im stumped and pretty pissed off with it after 2 days of this :/
basically, I was happilly compiling and building ttx on my new pc setup. I had migrated my project over, got a fresh install of the devkit going and everything WAS working great with visual studio 2005e, everything compiled and built etc etc. Randomly when I went to continue doing some coding the other day i went to build and boom, unresolved lua externals. to be precise:
Debug\ScriptEngine.o: In function `InitScriptEngine()':
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x414): undefined reference to `lua_open()'
Debug\ScriptEngine.o: In function `KillScriptEngine()':
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x47c): undefined reference to `lua_setgcthreshold(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x488): undefined reference to `lua_close(lua_State*)'
Debug\ScriptEngine.o: In function `LoadScript(char const*)':
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x254c): undefined reference to `lua_pcall(lua_State*, int, int, int)'
Debug\ScriptEngine.o: In function `CallScriptFunction(lua_State*, char const*, char const*, ...)':
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2594): undefined reference to `lua_pushstring(lua_State*, char const*)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x25a0): undefined reference to `lua_gettable(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2610): undefined reference to `lua_pushstring(lua_State*, char const*)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2634): undefined reference to `lua_pushnumber(lua_State*, double)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2674): undefined reference to `lua_pcall(lua_State*, int, int, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x26b8): undefined reference to `lua_isnumber(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x26dc): undefined reference to `lua_tonumber(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2704): undefined reference to `lua_isnumber(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2728): undefined reference to `lua_tonumber(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2740): undefined reference to `lua_tostring(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x2758): undefined reference to `lua_isstring(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x277c): undefined reference to `lua_tostring(lua_State*, int)'
ScriptEngine.cpp:(.text+0x279c): undefined reference to `lua_pushnumber(lua_State*, double)'
not impressed. this is where it gets upsettingly funny though. if I remove any of the lua libraries (liblua and liblualib) from the linker command line then it throws a whole bunch more unresolved externals so it really IS finding and linking with the libraries, it just cant for some reason find those bloody functions! I downloaded fresh source for lua 5.0.2 (have never made lua 5.1.1 work properly and dont need anything new it offers) and recompiled it for arm using the devkit and cygwin, just like I did with the original libs I compiled, and its not helped at all. Nothing I do seems to fix this random throwing of errors. Anyone got any clues? im stumped and pretty pissed off with it after 2 days of this :/