Just a very quick message to say that my first GP32 page is online so feel free to have a look and let me know what you think of the icons etc. Also I haven't tested the HTML on a PC so let me know if it looks funny!
Thanks guys I think I will have to do a GBA icon actually by the look of things.
DemonStar55 - can you email me a screen grab? I am building it on a mac so I can't tell what it looks like to you. If you send me a shot of it I can probably fix it really easily...
Crocomire: I think you can use the backgrounds in things like YAFL & Aquafish's firmware etc if you want but yes, the icons are for Windups. I might do some standard size FXE icons at some point but don't really know much about them yet...
You can use windups icons in yafl too. Place icons in gpmm/yafl/icons, and name them the same as the fxe but with an ico extension (eg. to set an icon for app.exe, name your icon app.ico).