My Gp2X Wont See My Sd Card. Help?


Still Fresh
Dec 15, 2009
so, i got my first GP2X in the mail today, and it seems to work, except that i cant mount my SD card. i have tried 3 different SD cards, and the GP@X wont even detect it, so far as i can tell. i can select 'SD card" in the file browser, but it shows no folders, in all of the file browsers (photos, video, music, etc...). i have tried using the "Format" option in 'system', but it seems to have no effet. is there something im not doing, or what?
P.S., im running FW 2.1.1 :o

EDIT: oh crap! i just realized i posted in the wrong section! dang. bad first impression! can a moderator move this or something, please? :unsure:
The Wiz does not show any folders in the video and music browsers, unless there ARE folders in the folders named "Movie", "music" in the root of your card. To see what's on the card and all the folders - go to explorer on the wiz. Sometimes when reinserting the card after changing some files on it, my wiz also stops showing ANY content, unless I restart it. Try turning it off and on you should be fine.
Are they SDHC cards? I vaguely remember installing a firmware update to get those to work on mine. Maybe this thread helps if that's the problem:
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barnesy said:
Are they SDHC cards? I vaguely remember installing a firmware update to get those to work on mine. Maybe this thread helps if that's the problem:
i have tried 5 cards as of today, and only 3 are SDHC. one of the ones that isnt SDHC is a fag card (read: write protected), so i cant use it, and the other isnt mine, so its of no use to me, as i no longer have it. as for flashing the firmware, how do i go about doing that? i dont think theres any usb ports on my GP2X (i have an excuse not to know; its case modded, so i cant tell), so, do i have to use some custom cable that plugs into the extension port, or what? also, how do i tell what model it is? (once again, its case modded) :blink:
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The instructions in the first post on that thread I linked to are fairly typical for gp2x firmware updates. You need a non SDHC card which you copy files onto using your computer.

edit - And a non SDHC SD card should just work on the gp2x without modification, which should help you see if the problem is related to bigger cards, or if something else is the problem.
I didn't know you needed to name the folder for the movie player to see it. The tiny instruction disk won't go in my laptop drive and I haven't been bothered to plug an external one in yet. Thanks for the help.

On a related topic. Does anyone else have trouble getting the SD out?