Still Fresh
Sorry if this has all been covered before.
I initially signed-up for the newsletter years ago and forgot. Interest piqued after the latest newsletter.
I have a few questions please if folks have the time...
I'd like to use the Pandora as a mini music laptop (it would fit nicely in my gig-bag!) -
Firstly, has anyone used their Pandora for making music?
Can it run VST instruments with wine or somesuch? Or Linux built VSTs (LADSP I believe -
Has anyone run Renoise on it? It is a tracker that has a Linux build. (
Renoise has VST and OSC support - anyone get OSC working on the Pandora?
The reason I ask is I'd like to use my Arduinome (Monome clone - with Pandora.
I know Max/MSP wont work on Linux but has anyone tried PureData (PD - please?
Anyone tried USB audio interfaces/midi controller keyboards please?
Now about games & TV out
Can I hook-up two USB joysticks and play my brother if the game/emulator supports 2 player?
Is TV out over USB or an expansion port please?
Thanks very much folks?
[Edit] I know Flash support is in the pipeline so to speak - but as it stands, can I watch videos or stream web radio like soma fm etc please? I have to have something on in the background to get to sleep these days - it would be nice to turn my laptop off once in awhile! [/Edit]
I initially signed-up for the newsletter years ago and forgot. Interest piqued after the latest newsletter.
I have a few questions please if folks have the time...
I'd like to use the Pandora as a mini music laptop (it would fit nicely in my gig-bag!) -
Firstly, has anyone used their Pandora for making music?
Can it run VST instruments with wine or somesuch? Or Linux built VSTs (LADSP I believe -
Has anyone run Renoise on it? It is a tracker that has a Linux build. (
Renoise has VST and OSC support - anyone get OSC working on the Pandora?
The reason I ask is I'd like to use my Arduinome (Monome clone - with Pandora.
I know Max/MSP wont work on Linux but has anyone tried PureData (PD - please?
Anyone tried USB audio interfaces/midi controller keyboards please?
Now about games & TV out
Can I hook-up two USB joysticks and play my brother if the game/emulator supports 2 player?
Is TV out over USB or an expansion port please?
Thanks very much folks?
[Edit] I know Flash support is in the pipeline so to speak - but as it stands, can I watch videos or stream web radio like soma fm etc please? I have to have something on in the background to get to sleep these days - it would be nice to turn my laptop off once in awhile! [/Edit]
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