Hello yaustar,
Sorry if my message wasnt clear, no under Windows on the PC I can play MOD, XM, IT very well. We are currently using the official SDK (we didnt want to start link against the unofficial package) and all the code was working well in that environment. I made some sample code to test some of our ideas and also see what is possible to do with SDL on the GP2X and at what speed it runs. In that that test it displayed a logo that was moving around, changing the background color, display the FPS and then play some music. The first music to load is in XM format, then by using the UP keys on the PC (it use SELECT on the GP2X) I am flipping between the other module which are in MOD, IT and OGG. That work very well and I was quite happy about it, then I compile this code to generate the GP2X executable that we transfer on the real thing. Then my friend told me my code wasnt working at all and it simply crash, so I decide to add a log file to see where exactly it was crashing. And when we check the log file we saw it said unrecognized format, my friend even recompile my code by changing the music to load a MOD, IT and they all failed, except the OGG. So from my understanding is that in the official SDK the SDL compile under Windows have more feature enable then the GP2X version which is rather annoying, I would have prefer that the Windows version also have all those code disable so atleast I would have known that I need to get another libraries.