Music Player Progress Bar


Sep 20, 2005
Anyone else notice that the "time indication" bar on the music player actually does nothing useful? I'm guessing it's only there to give us the impression of a regular music player, advancing by a bit each elapsing second.

You can tell because:
  • It doesn't ever go backwards. Stop the song, or do something to restart it. The bar just continues on going forward.
  • The bar is only halfway when most songs are finished. I guess it goes up to 5 minutes or something.
Maybe this is fixed already in the new firmware (I've still got 1.0), but I still found it amusing...
I use firmware v1.0 and the progress bar works without problems for me. Oo
What does the bitrate has to do with the time of a song - as long as the time gets displayed correctly, the position of the bar should be calculatable, and it should have nothing to do with the bitrate O_o
Variable bitrate can cause some players to mess up the timing due to the way they calculate the runtime of the MP3. if the song starts off with a low bitrate (most do as the start of most songs is silent), there's a very low bitrate at the start. It sees this bitrate and divides the size of the track by it to get the run time. It's quite common in players. It probably gets the run time from the file and the bar position is worked out from the bit rate