Mpx (multi Pointer X-server)


May 29, 2008
The MPX-branch of X has recently been merged with the master branch of the X-server. As far as I understood, the Pandora will be able to (and probably will most of the time) run the X-server. So you could enable the multicursor support and have three or more pointers on the screen (Touchscreen and two analog nubs). It would be very cool to implement this feature in the Pandora OS, you could control the Pandora iPhonestyle (well, more or less, because the touchscreen doesn't support multitouch, but you DO have the 2 nubs and you can even plug in a mouse ;D ), it would probably be easier to manage your files you have stored on the device and it would make a cool game control (at least in some minigames).
I find it hard to control cursors with sticks, I don't know about others.

For this to work, Xorg would have to be used. A smaller Xserver might be more appealing.
sindbad said:
For this to work, Xorg would have to be used. A smaller Xserver might be more appealing.
At the moment we have kdrive and a mashup of xOMAP as far as X Server backends go.

Full on Xorg is a little over the top for now ;). Not sure how much use this is of use to try and create a multitouch like interface (I can see very clear other uses, just not for a touch GUI).
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Sphinxter said:
Wouldn't three cursors at once be more than a little confusing?
Don't know, never tried it (I failed at installing MPX on my machine >.<), but I don't think one can control the three cursors at once. You could set up an idle-fade-out for the cursors that haven't been moved for some time.
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fahrstuhl said:
Sphinxter said:
Wouldn't three cursors at once be more than a little confusing?
Don't know, never tried it (I failed at installing MPX on my machine >.<), but I don't think one can control the three cursors at once. You could set up an idle-fade-out for the cursors that haven't been moved for some time.Different colors for the cursors could work. Or a little number under each one.

Anything short of a multitouch screen is mostly pointless for one user. It's only usefulness with pointing devices (mice, sticks) is in the case of several people using the computer at the same time.
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DJWillis said:
At the moment we have kdrive and a mashup of xOMAP as far as X Server backends go.
Cool... How's the OpenGL ES / EGL integration into X going?
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Tom Cooksey said:
DJWillis said:
At the moment we have kdrive and a mashup of xOMAP as far as X Server backends go.
Cool... How's the OpenGL ES / EGL integration into X going?

Tom, not started on that yet (hoping to get some help with it in due time).
Still working mainly on kernel stuff at the moment, getting things in a state to push etc.
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Hm... Do you think Xorg wouldn't be a good idea because it takes too much disk space or because it eats too much system resources? (Well, the first one shouldn't be a problem, one could put it on a SD card... And I have Xorg running on an old Pentium Classic Laptop with 133MHz and similar stats in the other sections. Performs not that bad with E16 running on top of it. ^^ )
Sphinxter said:
Wouldn't three cursors at once be more than a little confusing?
You could use the analog nubs' cursors as "slave" cursors. For example, to mimic iPhone's interface on an image viewer for zooming, you would tap the image on the screen, that would place all 3 cursors in that position (or puts them at opposite corners on the image). Then, you could use stick click on both of the nubs and push in a direction. If you push the nubs towards each other (right cursor moves left and left cursor moves right) then it zooms out, and the moving away would make it zoom in. In fact, you could even use this with more advanced techniques, like stretching. You could click the left and hold in place as an anchor, and then stretch in whatever direction you click and move the right analog nub.

-God Ginrai
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fahrstuhl said:
Hm... Do you think Xorg wouldn't be a good idea because it takes too much disk space or because it eats too much system resources? (Well, the first one shouldn't be a problem, one could put it on a SD card... And I have Xorg running on an old Pentium Classic Laptop with 133MHz and similar stats in the other sections. Performs not that bad with E16 running on top of it. ^^ )

Xorg is "big" because you're typically dragging along every bloody server known to man. ;) In the case of the Pandora, we only need to support ONE GPU. :D
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Svartalf said:
Xorg is "big" because you're typically dragging along every bloody server known to man. ;) In the case of the Pandora, we only need to support ONE GPU. :D
Isn't Xorg designed in a modular way such that we wouldn't need to install unneeded drivers?
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On the Zaurus, there is both kdrive and available. Everyone but a select few (maybe one) uses kdrive because it is snappier.

sindbad said:
I find it hard to control cursors with sticks, I don't know about others.

For this to work, Xorg would have to be used. A smaller Xserver might be more appealing.
It may be good with gestures though, I.e. pushing the sticks towards each other could zoom in on a photo/web page and pushing away from each other to zoom out.

EDIT: I see this has already been discussed...I'll shut up.
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