

Still Fresh
Jun 1, 2004
For A while I have been trying to get Mp3s to run on my Gp32 but every time I start listening to the song it cuts out after about a minute and goes onto the next.
I have tried several different MP3 Players but they all do the same. Do the Mp3s have to be a certain Birate to run?
You may upload them wrongly. Try using GPdrive (search in the betatesting-forums) and use that instead. - Then It should work.
If these are downloaded mp3 then they perhaps are a bit corrupted. For instance I had some mp3s corrupted by a stupid silence remover that I could play on my mp3 player but not on my PC. Corrupted files compatibility is a wacky issue...You should try with one of your own rips.
I haven't seen one mp3 player that did a 100% correct decode all the time. That was the cause that I wanted to do my own player. After some experiments I decided to drop mp3 in favor and go for OggVorbis instead, because you can get about 3 hours of music on one 128MB card, using quality q=2 (~96kBit) which resulted in a better sound than 128kBit mp3. Right now I suggest using Yogg, my player will get a beta release sometime soon.

So what is the best mp3 player to use currently? I think I have seen 2 or 3. I have 3500 mp3's that I can play on several devices and do not plan to re-rip everytime a new codec comes out, so I am sticking with mp3. Is there a bitrate limit on the current players?
So what is the best mp3 player to use currently? I think I have seen 2 or 3. I have 3500 mp3's that I can play on several devices and do not plan to re-rip everytime a new codec comes out, so I am sticking with mp3. Is there a bitrate limit on the current players?
you don't have to rip to get an mp3 to an ogg just get a batch converter and it will take 2 minutes to do about 15 songs (approximation) that is hardly such a big deal...
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Well, I'm not sure about certain bitrate - though I know its designed to work at 128. However, I'm pretty sure they do need to be at a constant bitrate, since i remember having songs cut out for me that were encoded in LAME VBR. So try re-encoding them as constant, and hopefully they'll work.
i have madmp3 and i can play all songs i have :P
the orginal mp3 player worket goot too.

i had never problems playing mp3 :D
and isnt there some kind of bug or the like on the original mp3 player that wont let you play mp3's over 10 mins or something like that?