

Active Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Upcoming and new release recommendations.

For starters, the only one that comes to mind right now is Iron man 3. Can't remember when its coming out but, it looks like its gonna be good. I want to see it when it does.
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Zero Dark Thirty

...think this will be a good watch

Django Unchained


Wreck It Ralph

...For the count-the-recognised-characters factor :)
django unchained not so hot imo. Christopher gans is great in it but Jamie fox sucks imo.

, im really looking forward to Elysium and captain america 2
Wreck It Ralph

World War Z, I just hope that Brad Pitt doesn't fuck it up

The Grave Of The Fireflies re-release

TPB AFK (The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard)
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Watched Dredd last night. Better than I was expecting actually, seeing as the reviews were fairly average. The guy playing Dredd didn't exactly fit my own personal image of him (having seen a couple of my mate's 2000AD comics about 25 years ago), but never mind.
Watched Dredd last night. Better than I was expecting actually, seeing as the reviews were fairly average. The guy playing Dredd didn't exactly fit my own personal image of him (having seen a couple of my mate's 2000AD comics about 25 years ago), but never mind.
not bad but dredd was too op
Wreck It Ralph

Watched Dredd last night. Better than I was expecting actually, seeing as the reviews were fairly average. The guy playing Dredd didn't exactly fit my own personal image of him (having seen a couple of my mate's 2000AD comics about 25 years ago), but never mind.
I was pleasently suprised, didn't like his helmet though. I'm also one of the few hundred (maybe thousand) worldwide that liked the Stallone version from the 90s.

I'm currently looking forward to:

I guess I was just disappointed, as the idea seamed nice, but in the end the story was right out of the hollywood screenplay construction kit
You should be pessimistic like me then you'll never be disappointed ;) + the reason I fancy seeing it is due to the character cameos rather than the plot, which I thought Hollywood would screw up anyway. Also I should be able to cadge a free ticket from one of my family/friends. :)
I guess I was just disappointed, as the idea seamed nice, but in the end the story was right out of the hollywood screenplay construction kit
You should be pessimistic like me then you'll never be disappointed
been there, done that - I thought that Alien vs. Predator would be horrible, but it was worse :(

Also, the character cameos are roughly of 2 min length

I'm also one of the few hundred (maybe thousand) worldwide that liked the Stallone version from the 90s.
Problem with the new one vs the Stallone one is that the Stallone Dredd's world was much closer to the look of the comics (Hoverbikes aside), the new one looked like modern day L.A. (and the bikes were just meh..). Enjoyable, but still didn't nail it.
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I actually enjoyed the Stallone Judge Dredd film too, but then I also love Alien 3, which the rest of the world hates.
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