Moviepark D/l says im my GP isnt rigistered


On the Joygp sight im trying to buy movie park ive registered on the GP32 and ENT sight but its saying my GP isnt registered :(

Can any one help me please ?
I did this last night so it's pretty fresh in my mind. I found it pretty confusing myself, the process is really badly thought out and the badly translated English on Entware's site doesn't help.

Did you download the Registration program? I tried to download Moviepark once I'd logged in and it said my GP wasn't registered but then I downloaded the Reg program and it was fine.
Does Entware use its own registration software? because ive used the GP reg software and got no joy :(
I've answered this 1,000s of times and will report to Sticky n00b thing next, there are DIFFRENT programs to register at GamePark and Entware, the GamePark one is at the GamePark site and the Entware one is at the Entware site :D
Aslo the reg instructions are on the frontpage and its not directly liked to the reg software :blink: . so i had no idea where to look .