Movielink Probs

Err... Movielink is the official Movie conversion software, not the player itself. Speaking of which, I have no idea how to use it, I'm afraid.

Its also a long way inferior (if much simpler to use) to Virtualdub; there's a very detailed tutorial on Virtualdubbing for Moviepark at though, which was step-by-step enough for me when I was clueless about it, so it'd probably do you too. Just remember you can use slightly higher bitrates, and framerates for GPCinema, and it'll let you encode sme stuff pretty well.
Its crap dont bother using it

Either learn how to use virtualDub and PM me with your email address and I`ll send u my GPC settings.

That way all you`ll have to do is load virtualdub,load the settings,load the video file and save it - all the hard works done for you