Movie Formats

G Morgan

Still Fresh
Jan 31, 2006
South Wales
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Since I'm still awaiting the arrival of my GP2X I thought I'd start preparing a few films before hand for when it does arrive. The question is what is the best format for storing movies in terms of out of the box compatibilty and just overall compression/quality. How much memory would 1 hour of footage take up in that format.

Also what is the best method for converting MPEG 2 and AVI format into the format in question, what programs (preferably free) are there out there to handle conversion. I can do any video editing myself I just need to be able to convert to the correct formats.

//edit-when I say out of the box compatibilty I don't mind doing firmware upgrades so anything that comes as standard for any particular firmware would be fine as well//
DivX or XviD are all that are supported. DivX is reported to have some audio-video sync problems in the latest firmware, and to convert files to DivX you can use PocketDivXEncoder. XviD has no problems and has slightly better compression than DivX, but I can't think of any encoders off the top of my head.
nice site with full tutorial.

however xid has quite a few sync problems in 1.2.1 firmware (current)
so much that I've given up on getting 'entertainment' from my 'entertainment player'.

I wouldn't waste time reencoding video until this gets sorted out. You also don't *have* to reencode most videos if you don't mind them taking extra space.

Please do remember, that as it stands now, gp2x is the single most usless PVP unit I've ever seen, and the '$50 special' from the swap meet runs it right into the ground for video playback and video features. I hope video playback isn't why you bought this.
nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:40 PM said:
DivX or XviD are all that are supported. DivX is reported to have some audio-video sync problems in the latest firmware, and to convert files to DivX you can use PocketDivXEncoder. XviD has no problems and has slightly better compression than DivX, but I can't think of any encoders off the top of my head.
yeah i'm gonna need to know of a xvid encoder myself. Anybody know of any good ones off the top of their heads? I can google but I want to know of a good one and not just any one. If I find one, can you encode from divx to xvid or do you have to like decode divx and THEN encode xvid?
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Try virtualdubmod, its free and can handle most conversions that you would need to do

MakavelianKode posted on Feb 13 2006 at 05:46 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:40 PM said:
DivX or XviD are all that are supported. DivX is reported to have some audio-video sync problems in the latest firmware, and to convert files to DivX you can use PocketDivXEncoder. XviD has no problems and has slightly better compression than DivX, but I can't think of any encoders off the top of my head.
yeah i'm gonna need to know of a xvid encoder myself. Anybody know of any good ones off the top of their heads? I can google but I want to know of a good one and not just any one. If I find one, can you encode from divx to xvid or do you have to like decode divx and THEN encode xvid?
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Reaperman93010 posted on Feb 13 2006 at 06:44 PM said:
nice site with full tutorial.

however xid has quite a few sync problems in 1.2.1 firmware (current)
so much that I've given up on getting 'entertainment' from my 'entertainment player'.

I wouldn't waste time reencoding video until this gets sorted out. You also don't *have* to reencode most videos if you don't mind them taking extra space.

Please do remember, that as it stands now, gp2x is the single most usless PVP unit I've ever seen, and the '$50 special' from the swap meet runs it right into the ground for video playback and video features. I hope video playback isn't why you bought this.

No I bought it for games but was trying to think of things I could do before it arrives. Video playback would be nice but is not overly necessary. It seems like the sort of thing that will be solved in later firmware anyway.
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I convert videos with AutoGK. Also, I think it's noteworthy that the GP2X can play .ogm videos if they are renamed to .avi. 'Course, that's with the first audio track and no subtitles, but I have watched a few on there. I forget who first pointed this out, but I thank him.
nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:40 PM said:
DivX or XviD are all that are supported.
Technically, it plays .ogm movies, if they are renamed with a .avi extension. They use the default audio track and no subtitles.

I forget who realized this, but I'm glad he did.
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Reaperman93010 posted on Feb 13 2006 at 11:44 AM said:
nice site with full tutorial.

however xid has quite a few sync problems in 1.2.1 firmware (current)
so much that I've given up on getting 'entertainment' from my 'entertainment player'.

I wouldn't waste time reencoding video until this gets sorted out. You also don't *have* to reencode most videos if you don't mind them taking extra space.

Please do remember, that as it stands now, gp2x is the single most usless PVP unit I've ever seen, and the '$50 special' from the swap meet runs it right into the ground for video playback and video features. I hope video playback isn't why you bought this.

I have firmware 1.2.1 and use Pocketdivxencoder and the video on my gp2x is perfect. The audio is perfectly in sync and the video looks great.
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gojetsgo posted on Feb 16 2006 at 02:56 PM said:
I have firmware 1.2.1 and use Pocketdivxencoder and the video on my gp2x is perfect. The audio is perfectly in sync and the video looks great.

I'm using AutoGK with XviD and firmware 1.2.1 with no problems either. Apart from scanlines ;)
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gojetsgo posted on Feb 16 2006 at 10:56 AM said:
I have firmware 1.2.1 and use Pocketdivxencoder and the video on my gp2x is perfect. The audio is perfectly in sync and the video looks great.
i am trying that pocketdivxencoder .. and DAMN that is a great encoder for my needs.. thanks for telling us that one ... gp32_console
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nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:40 AM said:
DivX or XviD are all that are supported. DivX is reported to have some audio-video sync problems in the latest firmware, and to convert files to DivX you can use PocketDivXEncoder. XviD has no problems and has slightly better compression than DivX, but I can't think of any encoders off the top of my head.

PocketDIVXEncoder can also encode in XVID.

Go to the Advanced Options, and click on XVID.

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Maybe it was in the FAQs, but I couldnt find it, so here's my stupid question:
I heard that .avi files with 48k audio won't play, and it turns out this is true - they don't play on my newly received GP2X (oh, god, how I love this thingie!). So the question is - how do I re-code 48k sound into 44k? Does virtualdub do that?
Thank you guys in advance!
It'd still be nice to get some other formats in, at least something like OGM, since they have OGG files out. MKV would be nice to, but o well wishful thinking
i use pocket divx

Its an amazing program

basically when u start it chose the iriver i forgot which iriver option (it has the same settings needed for the gp2x)

then play around with the movie files till u find the main one

select and it will convert to avi and compress a hell of a lot (usually i get full movies such as four brother in good quality at about 180 megs)