G Morgan
Still Fresh
Since I'm still awaiting the arrival of my GP2X I thought I'd start preparing a few films before hand for when it does arrive. The question is what is the best format for storing movies in terms of out of the box compatibilty and just overall compression/quality. How much memory would 1 hour of footage take up in that format.
Also what is the best method for converting MPEG 2 and AVI format into the format in question, what programs (preferably free) are there out there to handle conversion. I can do any video editing myself I just need to be able to convert to the correct formats.
//edit-when I say out of the box compatibilty I don't mind doing firmware upgrades so anything that comes as standard for any particular firmware would be fine as well//
Also what is the best method for converting MPEG 2 and AVI format into the format in question, what programs (preferably free) are there out there to handle conversion. I can do any video editing myself I just need to be able to convert to the correct formats.
//edit-when I say out of the box compatibilty I don't mind doing firmware upgrades so anything that comes as standard for any particular firmware would be fine as well//