Move To?

Ian J

Advanced Member
Aug 27, 2010
Being a Windoze user I love the "Move to" & "Copy to" buttons is there any way to add these to the Pandora's OS?
Being a Windoze user I love the "Move to" & "Copy to" buttons is there any way to add these to the Pandora's OS?

Find a file manager with that functionality, then port it?

I think there is some Ksoftware that will do that, but is far too bloated for a Pandora
Basically, when you right click files in Windows, there's some "send to" folders, which are just pre-shortcutted destinations to copy files to
"Send to..." is available in current Xfce versions (I noticed it on my main box after seeing this thread :p ). I haven't checked to see if it's present on the Pandora, though, since I haven't needed such a thing, so it might not be.

Would I be wrong in assuming that we'll be getting an updated Xfce at some point?
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