Motorhead Skin

g4m3r posted on Dec 4 2005 at 04:56 PM said:
Pretty cool, if you put new icons, then it would be awesome :)

Ive already started some icons I'll try and get them finished and release a new version soon. :)
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Ninjia^ posted on Dec 4 2005 at 09:35 AM said:
g4m3r posted on Dec 4 2005 at 04:56 PM said:
Pretty cool, if you put new icons, then it would be awesome :)

Ive already started some icons I'll try and get them finished and release a new version soon. :)
Sweet B)
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roguetrooper posted on Dec 4 2005 at 09:40 AM said:
Motorhead are pretty cool but their concerts attract the scum of the earth.....

This is true. The show itself is fuckin great (and loud! My ears rang for days the last time I saw them!) but I got stuck right at the front with some fuckbag doing the Nazi salute to the band the whole time. Just because Lemmy likes WW2 paraphernalia doesn't make him a Nazi, shithead! People like that need to be knocked the fuck out of the gene pool. They're a drain on humanity.
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roguetrooper posted on Dec 4 2005 at 05:40 PM said:
Motorhead are pretty cool but their concerts attract the scum of the earth.....

Ive seen them three times and Ive not really noticed a difference at their gigs compared to any other metal bands (Apart from leaving half deaf! ). Theres always going to be idiots looking for trouble, I just tend to ignore them or if they really p*ss me off push them into the circle pit B)
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I've seen them three times. Most recently, at Southampton Guildhall a couple of weeks ago. B)

They STILL rule!