Monitor Issues


Jan 11, 2004
I have a 5 year old Dell CRT monitor, 16" screen area, 20.5" completely across the front, and I constantly am running it at 1024x768x32bit color @ 75hz, and usually I'm using it enough for it to not enter its sleep mode throughout the day, except for when I'm at school, which is for 7 hours.

Anyway, a while before (back in January or February), it stopped working and would not turn on for a while. When I say that, I mean I can turn it on, and the power LED turns on, but I don't hear the static charge (where you hear the dust clinging to the screen), or that startup 'hum' noise, and thusly, the image would never appear on the screen. After maybe 40 minutes, it started working again just fine, but every once in a while, it'd do a weirdo thing where bars would flicker on the screen (as though the electron guns were hiccupping while drawing the image), and then it'd be fine again for a while. I don't remember if it was doing that before (meaning my onboard video, which sucks, may be at fault) or not.

So anyway, it did the above again just now, and I got all scared and panicy again. Later, for college, I was going to get an LCD screen anyway, and I'll be able to purchase a new monitor tomorrow.

So has anything like this happened to anybody before? And does it really mean that my monitor is getting too old and needs to be replaced? The main thing I'm wondering about is why would it stop working, and then just start working again all of a sudden?
If it is one of the Dell remakes of the trinitron monitors (completely flat screen) then it is just dying . I have had one 19" and one 15" go out the same way .

Supposidly their is a faulty piece on the board that converts the signal . But both times I looked into fixing it I couldn't find any real information .
Mine's not a Trinitron (it's not flatscreen and it doesn't say Trinitron at the top), but my problem could be similar to that. I do have a new LCD screen now (LG L1752T Flatron), so I'll hook that up later today. It's really amazing, the overall size is smaller, thinner, and MUCH less heavy, while the screen area is actually larger in size! neat! I won't be able to crank it up to 1600x1200 like I can on this CRT, but who cares! That's way bigger than I'll ever need. :P The demo had it running at 1024x768, and that looked good, so I'm sure this new LCD is much better. :)
I have an original Sony Trinitron monitor (about 8 years old now) and it's starting to do similar things. The screen will flash bright white and blurry for an instant, then sort of go back to a normal image over the course of about 2 seconds. It makes a scary static-discharge pop noise when it does this. It will do this randomly, sometimes several times an hour, but sometimes several days use will go by without a problem.

I definitely need to trash it. :lol:
Ah, yep, that's as high as this one goes. It works great, by the way! :) I'm so glad I have it! I'm seeing colors I've never seen before!! (never seen CLEARLY before, :P) The screen's a 17", which is bigger than my old CRT, 16", but the overall screen itself is smaller, and it weighs MUCH less! :D

My CRT also did that fuzzy thing occasionally (but VERY rare). Basically, I heard a click (like the click when I turn it on), and the image blurs, and then returns to normal.

So apparently my monitor problems were completely normal and were signs of age?

Also, how long does the average LCD screen last before giving out?