Mods: Create A "questions About Manufacturing" Subforum


Jacob Godserv
Sep 13, 2007
Whenever I come to the forums, I get nothing but frustration. All I read here nowadays is questions asking for details no other company would ever even consider providing. I just finished reading a thread, and some of the posts just about drove me up a wall.

I'm sure I'm not the only one. Comments on the #openpandora IRC channel about this forum are consistently about the degradation of quality here due to people constantly bugging OpenPandora over and over and over.

To the moderators: please, for the sake of those who wish to come here and read conversation about anything but the manufacturing process, please create a subforum called "Questions About Manufacturing". This won't solve the problem, but it'll focus it into one area that makes it easier to moderate and control.
Moderators can't create fora. And I also think it would be nonsense to do this. It's an open project and an open forum. If you need censorship, ask someone else. My impression in the last weeks is that nagging has decreased, anyway.
mali said:
Moderators can't create fora. And I also think it would be nonsense to do this. It's an open project and an open forum. If you need censorship, ask someone else. My impression in the last weeks is that nagging has decreased, anyway.
I can't argue on that point, since I've only just kind of come back.

How do you guys handle the kinds of posts I talk about? I guess you guys probably let them go at this point? (It's a bit hard to create any kind of rule about nagging, I suppose, unless it becomes trolling.)

Bigun said:
And notice the information has stopped flowing inversely.
This is an off-topic post in this thread. Please keep this to the other threads where this kind of debate is already present.
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Do you feel the irony in this thread? :D

Regarding nagging, trolling, etc., if I think it's appropriate to do something about it, I'll do it. As long as people are civil, I usually don't mind.
mali said:
Regarding nagging, trolling, etc., if I think it's appropriate to do something about it, I'll do it. As long as people are civil, I usually don't mind.
Alright, sounds good, then. Maybe I was overreacting.
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Personally I think this is a GREAT idea.

A 'go to' sub forum for this kind of information would potentially clear the other sub forums of repetitive requests for manufacturing progress reports.


Hah! Remember all those countless months that we spent here in this forum talking about how Pandoras are made, and how incredibly late the Pandoras are?

Those were good times, Really. ...but, well, I've got my Pandora now and you people still asking about manufacturing?... well ... You're what we call a "have-not". We don't want your kind anymore.

But don't worry! You can still live a normal life as a "have-not"! We'll make you a special forum! You can live there. You'll like it there. It's nice. I promise.

But could you try to keep it down? Thanks. We're sort of going to have a big party over here in our forum.
VRAndy said:
Hah! Remember all those countless months that we spent here in this forum talking about how Pandoras are made, and how incredibly late the Pandoras are?

Those were good times, Really. ...but, well, I've got my Pandora now and you people still asking about manufacturing?... well ... You're what we call a "have-not". We don't want your kind anymore.

But don't worry! You can still live a normal life as a "have-not"! We'll make you a special forum! You can live there. You'll like it there. It's nice. I promise.

But could you try to keep it down? Thanks. We're sort of going to have a big party over here in our forum.

I don't think such biting sarcasm is necessary to get your point across. There were other more civil ways to discuss this topic.

Back to what you were saying: yes, I did just get my Pandora, and no, I don't care about manufacturing updates anymore. It's pretty easy to take these two facts and jump to conclusions about my intentions.

So let's get the rest of facts: I wasn't here before I got my Pandora. I got all my news from the Pandora Press blog. In short, I didn't care about visiting these forums before I had my Pandora.

And now, I have a Pandora. I want to use the forums. But so far, my experiences have been frustrating and, for me personally, maddening. So I'm asking, out of consideration for the folks like me (who, as I said, I'm pretty sure do exist in numbers much greater than just one) for discussions about manufacturing to move elsewhere, which should push a lot of the pointless and degenerate discussion that goes on around those topics (which, by the way, I considered pointless before I got my Pandora too, which is why I used the blog before) somewhere so they don't get in the way of all the other possible discussions.

So, as you can see, though my tone right now is probably stiff/frustrated, I'm trying to make things work smoothly for everyone in a way that's fair and reasonable.
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You weren't interested in the contents of these boards (nagging and frustration about not having received our units) up to the point where you receive your own unit, and now you want to content of the boards to change? That's a rather unfair stance to take.

This has nothing to do with making things smooth for everyone, this is about making things smooth for you. Just ignore the threads with complaints and production discussion if you don't like them.
I've explained my reasons, and there seems to be a consensus that I should just deal with it. Clearly if I argue this any further I'm going to be marked as the guy who can't handle a little aggravation, or is selfish, if I haven't already. So, I'll just deal as best I can, I guess.

Sorry for the extra noise.
I haven't received my Pandora yet, and won't do for some time, however I do agree that having a forum for Production matters would really make a lot of sense.

Forums can get pretty messy when people post off topic (raises a guilty hand - but I've learned my lesson).

I've noticed that topics that have nothing to do with production can suffer a "Well, that's lovely... but I can't enjoy that! Where's MY ***** Pandora?" drive-by. This has even derailed some topics completely.

I can't see how JJ meant anything by his comments other than it makes sense to have a place where people can ask questions about build production and so on rather, than trawling and searching for tidbits of information and responses to build queries within other topics.

( Steps back and grabs a fire extinguisher! ) :P
Really, like the software, this'll get better with time. More people will get their Pandoras and more people will be interested in what can be done with the Pandoras than rather what's happening in the manufacturing process. Just give it time.
VRAndy said:
Hah! Remember all those countless months that we spent here in this forum talking about how Pandoras are made, and how incredibly late the Pandoras are?

Those were good times, Really. ...but, well, I've got my Pandora now and you people still asking about manufacturing?... well ... You're what we call a "have-not". We don't want your kind anymore.

But don't worry! You can still live a normal life as a "have-not"! We'll make you a special forum! You can live there. You'll like it there. It's nice. I promise.

But could you try to keep it down? Thanks. We're sort of going to have a big party over here in our forum.

Spot on.
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Have a bit of compassion for those who haven't received their Pandora "hit" yet.
javaJake said:
I don't think such biting sarcasm is necessary to get your point across.
Almost certainly not, but I really like biting sarcasm.

Back to what you were saying: yes, I did just get my Pandora,
Search wasn't working when I made my post. I couldn't even figure out if you'd gotten yours yet, but I went ahead and guessed anyway.

For what it's worth, I've often found myself thinking "Ship dates? Batch numbers? Are these old posts? Man, these people are behind that's all last month!" Then I remember how lucky I am.

So, as you can see, though my tone right now is probably stiff/frustrated, I'm trying to make things work smoothly for everyone in a way that's fair and reasonable.
Just do what I do and read the software hacking forum. There's little actual hacking and coding involved. (That's in the dev forum.) It's mostly about figuring out how to put cool stuff on our Pandoras.
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VRAndy said:
Just do what I do and read the software hacking forum. There's little actual hacking and coding involved. (That's in the dev forum.) It's mostly about figuring out how to put cool stuff on our Pandoras.
Ah, wonderful. Thanks for the tip. I haven't browsed enough yet (haven't had the time, and my Pandora isn't really configured right until it's got Gentoo installed) to know this. I will be sure to check it out. :)
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I made a poll where people can vote about whether subforums should be added:
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I have often wondered if there's some magic URL you can use (a la phpBB) which will filter the "get new content" ... content? I'd very much like to just get the new posts from certain forums and ignore the others. This can be done quite easily by constructing a custom search URL on other boards, and would help around here, I feel.
