Milkytracker On The F200?


Still Fresh
Dec 23, 2007
Hi, Ive just started using a gp2xf200 and am trying to run milkytracker.
The scripts mentioned elsewhere dont seem to work to open and close it. Ive tried calling them milkytracker.gpe and the milkytracker-gp2x-linuxarm file milkytracker (ive also tried .gpu for the script and have tried the premade one through the link someone posted on the file archive) but my f200 cant even find a file to run. I can only run it by renaming the ...arm file milkytracker.gpe but then of course it hangs the system when i close it.

I also dont seem to be able to use it with the touchscreen.. only the joypad. Touching the on screen buttons causes the gui to react but doesnt execute button presses. When the stylus is on the pattern section of the screen a menu pops up.

Is anyone else on the f200 running milky? Itd be amazing on the f200 if it worked like it does on windows mobile. I also use littlegptracker but id love an ft2 clone to use for other live stuff.

I know some of this has been talked about elsewhere but the threads look old and i dont want to break your rules by posting all over the place on old discussions.
I didn't try it because it's using the joystick click, I remember the gpu script is in the readme, in the gp2x section.
I dont mean that i cant find the script i mean that my gp2x cant find it when its in the right place and named correctly. Ive also tried to make sure i hadnt made it incorrectly by using a pre made one. Im wondering if this is an f200 prob with it.
I gave a try with milkytracker, took the script in the readme, modify it with the right name of the executable and saved it as milky.gpe.

# Start MilkyTracker:
# Sync SD card:
# Return to the menu screen after exiting MilkyTracker.
cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Nothing's messing when I quit, I pointed to "Exit" with the cusor, hit the A key to select and got back to gmenu without any problem.
I'm using an F200.
Thanks for checking that out :)

Oh well it must be something im doing wrong. At least i can continue to try to sort this out knowing it should work.

I suppose it might be more for my satisfaction than anything since the touch screen isnt usable. oh well.
Did you use notepad or a simple editor that don't add anything (special characters) to the text you're typing ?
If not, try to copy and save your script in notepad.
Ive tried notepad and also a premade file called milkytracker.gpu that was posted.
No luck.

The touchscreen is just unusable for this as far as i can tell. Someone on the milkytracker forums mentioned something about different sdl s to do something about that but there he really shot past my level of technical know how. :blink: They did say theyd like to be in touch with f200 owners to get something working better though. If you or anyone is interested...
I would say that touchscreen support for milkytracker is unusable as well... I got frustrated and gave up

To be honest, I find LGPT to be the most awesome tracker I worked with since my ScreamTracker/Impulse Tracker days

But then again you have the ancient ScreamTracker VS FastTracker war still going on =P I never liked FastTracker
Just wanted a traveling tracker that used xm really but i agree LGPT is really great and the lsdj type interface works well on a mobile device. I love the lack of graphical frills too.

It was lacking sample import which was a big deal for me but now thats getting there ill be using it a lot.

I used scream a little too. I was a bit platform unfaithful as trackers go. :p
Tracker wars never seem to fizzle out....
Yes this build does freeze and crash quite often and finding yourself importing yet another sample accidentaly is annoying. Hope the final build of this one isnt long.

Id like a sample browser that can audition and the ability to delete and trim samples from within piggy. If it can ever resample ill be in love with it.

One thing xcen... do you find it eats batts up quite fast? Im surprised at this as i was expecting it to be quite light going. Wondering if its my sd card.
Oh no i meant that in general the pig seems to be quite hard on batts not this build. It sounded like i meant that... xmas wore me out a bit...
Is there a piggy thread that isnt old anywhere here? It has a yahoo group but ive just got a screename together to join that. I use renoise and am a bit spolit for being able to suggest features and probs on a forum... :D
Hmm renoise rings a bell... but I think it's not free iirc? Let me know if I'm wrong

I meant I noticed no battery usage different comparing to other (not overclocked) apps... Then again I rarely use the GP2X for more than 1-2h at the time...

I was a bit disappointed with the piggy's community too, there is a dead facebook group, a livejournal community that has release updates, and that yahoo group you mentioned which is not very active, it would seem.

It especially sucks since the doc is far from accurate or complete... but still a lot of fun... look me up on MSN if you want to share tips and tricks or dat files! y2kbugvictim(a)
No renoise isnt free but a full license it about 45 euros and i dont think the earliest adopters are anywhere near having to renew yet. Also you can run a very full demo for free. I reccomend it if you want a solid desktop tracker again.
The community is great around renoise. Its lovely to see a feature suggested, enthused about, picked over by the devs, voted on and then implemented. They seem to use the same software for the forum as they do here.

I havent used piggy much yet so the battery life thing was just a hunch. Maybe i just expected it to be particuarly good on that.

Oh ive just noticed .. moments after i read your post about the manual.. that the lgtp wiki has been updated today. Typical. :)

I dont have msn but i keep meaning to sort one out. Ill drop you a message or email. Id like to find somewhere to host a better piggy forum. Maybe the mod archive or somewhere.
Hi guys,

xcen said:
I was a bit disappointed with the piggy's community too, there is a dead facebook group, a livejournal community that has release updates, and that yahoo group you mentioned which is not very active, it would seem.

It especially sucks since the doc is far from accurate or complete... but still a lot of fun... look me up on MSN if you want to share tips and tricks or dat files! y2kbugvictim(a)
Thought I'd just drop in a line re:community. First, forget about the facebook thing, it's no use. The way it happens at the moment is as follow:

1. most hardcore pigster hang out on irc - efnet - #hexawe. There's quite a bit of randomness there but we definetly get slowly the ideas and feature up to speed.

2. ocne I got new devs on or ghettos, it makes it to livejournal. sometimes, i'll copy the info to the list but i'm lazy and i hate broadcasting the same info on different places so I don't do it that much. if you want to monitor the devs, read it

3. the yahoo groups does contain a fair bunch of people but it seem they are less frantic in terms of feedback or suggestions. or just all the crazy one signed up to the irc channel. Don't hesitate however to make it live. I know one of you two sent some questions lately but I've been away for 5 weeks and only came back yesterday... I will pick up.

It's also normal the community is less 'active' than the renoise one. renoise has been around for years and has a massive user base.. the pig's got only a small fraction of it,

anyway, glad you like the tracker.. see you around in other places.
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First, Thanks a lot for the software =D

I guess I'll have to install an iRC Client and relive the 90s hehehe, I'll come and have a look.

I'd just love to be involved in dev but my programing credibility is non-existent =D

But I've got some feedback on the latest build, couple of bugs and whatnot... iRC the best place to talk about these?

EDIT: varioustimes: hmmm isn't renoise fast-tracker based, too? hehe
xcen said:
But I've got some feedback on the latest build, couple of bugs and whatnot... iRC the best place to talk about these?
The best is to throw bugs and suggestions them at the mainling list.. this gives them a permanent life. irc is more to get involved directly with people using the pig.

BTW, have you checked ? it's a net label dedicated to pig savs.

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Yep its FT2 based but the users are from all over the shop. I suppose it depends what you didnt like about Ft.
The old tracker i used most was impulse and renoise felt great the moment i started using it. There is quite a lot of free tracking software out there now though A few cope happily with vsts and are fairly stable.

Id like to get on the ltgp chat but ive never used irc. Am i right in thinking ill need to install a client (whatever that is) to give it a go?