Metal Slug

yeah very-bit short atm, but animation and graphics are great, and they got the movement just right. Apparently there will be an updated release soon.
shooting diagonal would be good, and far to short (even for a demo) but really, really good. The animations are almost faultless (Except are the enemies bleeding water...?) and the gameplay is smooth. Can't wait for this to be released.
Two small problems that I can easily overlook because it's metal slug on gp32 :)
It uses the american palette with white blood, and no shooting down :(
But a beautiful little demo, it takes atleast twice that long on Metal Slug X(graphical and level basis for the demo, I think or maybe it's 2) for PSX, because of loading time on PSX. I think this is great and can't wait to see a new version!
They also die better, on PSX they just fade out, they actually do the death fall in this :)
Also in the real one when you jump you keep firing in the same direction even if you push the other way, you just drift backwards(I think definately NOT a major thing)
you think it'll ever be made into a full game, you guys?

is this the original Conversion of the game that iceman was working on?

o o o o it's all questions questions :)
I'm hoping so, or atleast for it to either become open source one day or just have an editor to add new backgrounds characters, ect. I'd be willing to make time to recreate Metal Slug 1-5 and X if there was something to work with, I'm just not a coder *YET* maybe someday!
hhmmm.....when i try to run it it gets to the title screen so i press start, the music starts playin and the numbers 53:53:320 come up at the top of the screen....then it just stays there (if i press the A or B buttons some blue dots go across the screen)

why isn't it working for me!? :(
It seems like a convincing engine and Diagonal aiming/shooting would be great... although diagonal controls suck on my GP32 :P
hhmmm.....when i try to run it it gets to the title screen so i press start, the music starts playin and the numbers 53:53:320 come up at the top of the screen....then it just stays there (if i press the A or B buttons some blue dots go across the screen)

why isn't it working for me!?

Maybe you got an incomplete download?
Zero3K posted on Mar 3 2004 at 09:55 PM said:
Actually, its white blood (which is how it is in the arcade version of it).
i thought white blood was just the american versions...
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