Messed Up Files...


chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai
Nov 24, 2003
Wrentham, MA
theirs a couple of files on my smc that aere really screwed up and I need tof ix them...

the files of game/doom/doom takes up 183 GB suposivly
GPMM/GPART takes up 33.3 GB

those are the only screwe up files and I cant delete theme or anything

so I was wonder what I have to do...

I use a SMC reader btw

EDIT: also all the file in the folders are just random letters and when I try to accssess them it says The Filename, Dictory Name, or volum lable syntax is inncorect
it sounds to me like a classic case of corrupt files

it happens all the time when u use a card reader

ul just have to back up all of the file u need then re format the card with pc-link im afraid

it has happened to me quite often
Blimey, thats quite a big card you have there.

I recomend backing up the files you want and formatting the card.
its no big its just corrupted lol

and for some reason itwont let me chose to install my own usb drivers ... so I cant use pc-link stupid win2000
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If you use the SMC card writer/reader then just run 'scandskw' on it from windows.