
Anyway, it's all working fine and I got my first ever taste of true Mega CD gaming! Well it would have been more enjoyable if the games that came with it were any good; Wolfchild - Meh, s'alright I guess. Road avenger - I suppose it's ok, sort of. Tomcat alley - What the hell just happened?! It's like watching channel 5 through sick covered sunglasses
Haha, welcome to your first taste of that. Or maybe I should say "Welcome to your first taste of tat", there?

There is one truly terrible Mega CD game which I must recommend if you can find it extremely cheap (and, no doubt, you'll be able to), and that's Corpse Killer. It's an FMV-based shooting-gallery type of game where a funky island has been turned into a zombie-infested mess, and a be-dreadlocked chap (who I seem to recall being rather strangely-dressed, and looking for all the world like a reggae singer looking for new work) drives you around so that you can shoot the zombies. It's dire, there's no denying that, but the acting is so hilarious that it's worth playing for that alone. It's definitely worth a couple of pounds for the laughs. :P

EDIT: Yep, it was just like I remembered;

I quite liked Wolfchild, myself. It's nothing fancy, but it's not too bad. If you like platformers, Wonder Dog is worth tracking down if you can get it for a reasonable price, by the by. :P
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Well worth playing if you want to laugh at cheesy dialogue, but in all fairness, if you can find it cheaply (you won't, but still) get Snatcher, otherwise The Terminator is definitely a good one, soundtrack is pretty spectacular for the time.
There is one truly terrible Mega CD game which I must recommend if you can find it extremely cheap (and, no doubt, you'll be able to), and that's Corpse Killer. It's an FMV-based shooting-gallery type of game where a funky island has been turned into a zombie-infested mess, and a be-dreadlocked chap (who I seem to recall being rather strangely-dressed, and looking for all the world like a reggae singer looking for new work) drives you around so that you can shoot the zombies. It's dire, there's no denying that, but the acting is so hilarious that it's worth playing for that alone. It's definitely worth a couple of pounds for the laughs. :P

Haha! that looks hilarious... I would totally buy that if I had a Mega CD, brings back memories of that cheesey wild west arcade machine... Mad Dog something or other (McGree maybe?) :lol:

It's blummin hard trying to get games for this mind you, the ebay auctions are furious. It seems that people are willing to pay high prices for all but the very worst Mega CD games. It must be collectors trying to beef up their shelves.

The biggest problem with buying in the UK is that our listings are also being harvested by our European neighbours. Virtually every game I've ever sold has gone to Portugal, Greece, or France. It's good news if you're a seller, bad news if you're a buyer trying to snag a bargain.

I do hate the dance of ebay. I wish that everyone would just set their maximum price and be done with it, it's bloody exhausting having to babysit an auction to try and bid in the last 10 seconds every time you want something.

Corpse killer looks absolutely horrible... I'm going to have to buy it.
That Corpse Killer there is the re-released "Mega CD 32X" version, one of the rare games which requires both of those accessories - you just want the regular Mega CD release, most likely. ;)

Yup that's the one! I wasn't too far off with the name then.. :)

50 quid is a bit ridiculous isn't it! Love the way these people make sure "RARE" gets added to the name like it justifies putting the price up even if the game isn't all that rare at all (generally speaking - not these particular games).
Love the way these people make sure "RARE" gets added to the name like it justifies putting the price up even if the game isn't all that rare at all (generally speaking - not these particular games).
I rather like it when you search for a game, find a ton of copies, and *every single one of them* has "RARE!!", "R@RE!", "RaR3!" or some other permutation thereof plastered in the title. :P

They're easy to spot - they're the folks whose dictionaries came with a misprint, putting the definition for "Old" under the word "Rare".
I remember Mad Dog McCree on the arcades

in it's time if was a big thing and well ahead in the graphics department. Was a dear game though in it's day and your quid never lasted long
Must say, 'Man Enough' and 'Intimate Possibilities' look like contenders for that title..

Pft! I just checked them on YouTube and laughed.

I can't say I know anything about this genre, I played that McCree one and I think that's the only one

they look pretty lame by the most part though.

been any new ones or they die in the 90s? You'd think a decent one might of come about
Mad Dog MCree was remade for the Wii but I don't think it had the same FMV style. I haven't seen anything like those since the 90s either so they possibly died out.
Silpheed for megacd was good. Dragons Lair, Iron Helix. Never played Burn Cycle but wanted to.
Anyone else have pictures of their collections? Any more good game suggestions?
Well, looking at the photos of your collection, you already have really good taste. Those are some great games. Interestingly, out of those games on your photo I probably spent longest playing "King's Bounty". It's not much to look at, but it's very easy to get into. I never did manage to beat it the "hard way", though (that is, beating all the bosses instead of just finding the treasure).

Games I love that you don't have: Toejam and Earl 2, Aladdin, Lion King, Phantasy Star 4, Ristar, Sonic 3 (& Knuckles)

My favourite Sega CD game so far is "Ecco CD". It's better than the Megadrive/Genesis version. Although to be honest, it's a lot more enjoyable to play it through PicoDrive because there are savestates and it's a hard game. "Silpheed" is a pretty good shooter, as mentioned. There's also "SoulStar", which is kind of like Star Fox but with pixel graphics (it's 3D like Doom). It's a difficult game, though.

What else? "Snatcher", "Wing Commander", "Sonic CD", "Shining Force CD", "Lunar CD" - I've heard good things about these, but haven't really explored them myself yet.
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Man, you guys with your pretty collections... my Mega Drive collection consists of a Sega Nomad and about 33 games, maybe a third of them without cases. I never owned any original version of the console. The most expensive game is probably Virtua Racing. And then there are less impressive ones like "Awesome Possum Kicks Doctor Machino's Butt!". :P I haven't taken any pictures of it, though. It's mostly in a drawer, so it doesn't look very photogenic.

I remember taking that Nomad with me on a plane several times. Then I got a GP32 and started playing Genesis on that, mostly.
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That is an impressive collection Thorium! I almost bought Beggar Prince a while ago but the reviews made it sound dull, the same for Wukong. I like the look of Star Odyssey though, I might have to get that.

How do you have your MD set up?

I swear that I had a copy of Gynoug in my collection... No idea where that went, but it's my favourite shooter, so far anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions Esn, I'm going to be going on another MD shopping spree soon, I can feel it in my bones. I would have done it already but I'm trying to save enough cash to get out of my overdraft, and then on to buying a new guitar and amp (time moves very slowly when you're trying to save money). In fact I've put my final few Saturn games, all my gamecube collection, and some joysticks on ebay to try and generate the revenue. It's always galling to watch your prized possessions going for next to nothing.

In regards to FMV, no there has never, nor will there ever be, a good fmv game. I tried to play red alert 3 recently, and aside from the game being bad the fmv is hideously camp! I'm sure it was mostly deliberate in this case, but I can't ever see full motion video ever contributing to games in a good sense. The utter contempt for their roles is written clearly across the face of every actor that has ever appeared psychically in a video game.