Medafen. How good is the wonderswan emulator working?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Im wondering if anyone can tell me how well the wonderswan emulator is working and what good games they would recommend to play. I believe the wonderswan console was only released in japan right? Been off the forum for a while and am having fun catching up on new emulators and games. Got to get temper working next.
I haven't tried Mednafen's WonderSwan emulator (there aren't many good WonderSwan emulators as a whole, sadly, so I dread to try it), but I can at least recommend a couple of games. :P

Rockman & Forte - Mirai Kara no Chousen Sha (or, roughly, "Mega Man & Bass - Challenger from the Future") is well worth a look. If Rockman & Forte is officially "8.5" in the series, this one is "8.75". It's the reason I bought a WonderSwan, and it makes some nice use of the fact that the hardware can be rotated. (My only gripe with it is that it doesn't have its own soundtrack - just an 8-bit-style version of the soundtrack from Rockman & Forte on the SNES.)

The other one I would recommend is Kaze no Klonoa - Moonlight Museum. This was the second game in the Klonoa series, and the originator of the play-style of the two Game Boy Advance Klonoa platformers. Accordingly, you shouldn't miss it. :P
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It was good enough for me to play the English translation of the Makaitoushi Saga Fullspeed with perfect sound until the end :)
It was good enough for me to play the English translation of the Makaitoushi Saga Fullspeed with perfect sound until the end :)
Sounds good. So many good emulators working well on the pandora now. The sooner production resumes the better.
I'd like to third what ED and BP said - The Wonderswan emulator is fantastic. I've played half way through Kaze no Klonoa - Moonlight Museum on it. :)
Is it just me or the DPAD doesn't work in this WSwan version of the Mednafen EMU? The directional button works but they are mapped to the Q,A,., and left shift buttons. Oddly this happens only in the WSwan version of Mednafen. In the Neo Geo Pocket Mednafen for example the DPAD works without any issues. Is there a way to map the directional buttons on Wonder Swan Mednafen to the Pandora DPAD? Other than that the emu runs like a charm! Very nice emu indeed.
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The Wonderswan actually had two D-Pads, which presents a bit of a challenge.
The WonderSwan actually has no d-pads whatsoever. :P

It has ten action buttons, eight of which are arranged so as to be vaguely suitable for d-pad-style use, but they are not actually d-pads (not even those horrible joined-below-the-casing types).
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Got it, Thanks for the reply guys. I'm getting used to these buttons anyway :) Very nice emulator.
@ED, BP, or Mygames19 - How does the WonderSwan emulator handle games where the system needs to be rotated, out of curiousity? Is there some button to rotate the emulated display, or do you have to struggle with holding the Pandora oddly, instead?
There are a few stages in Kaze no Klonoa - Moonlight Museum that are sideways, requiring you to rotate your Pandora so that the side with the Delete key is sticking up. In this case, you use a combination of the D-Pad and W,A,S & Z to play. It's actually not that uncomfortable.