Just wondering if there's a master system emulator in the works? Anyone working on one or thinking of working on one? 
Yeah, there's no mastersystem emulator in the Wiki. But I don't assume the wiki is the be all and end all
Yeah, there's no mastersystem emulator in the Wiki. But I don't assume the wiki is the be all and end all
Here's a promising post, icurafu says he is going to have a go at porting over some existing Emu's including Osmose which is a Sega master system emulator.
Yeah, there's no mastersystem emulator in the Wiki. But I don't assume the wiki is the be all and end all
Here's a promising post, icurafu says he is going to have a go at porting over some existing Emu's including Osmose which is a Sega master system emulator.
Heh, I already posted that