
yeah i think for the target audience (people who actually understand technology) it would be best to have some class in a marketing video
i'm still a kid and i must have told at least 200 people about the pandora with 20 being interested and most just saying "What games are coming out for it?"
i think someone that preorders should do excactly what chip said and compare the strengths of the pandora to the weaknesses of other handhelds
Psx pandora against psx psp psx iphone
Firefox pandora against psp browser and safari iphone (showing off flash would be nice since the safari browser is nice anyways)
i think the thing that would sell me would be showing the legend of zelda ocarina of time playing at near full speed next the psp playing at 8 fps
i would do the video but i sold my psp for money for the pandora ;)
Fo Shizzle!!

* skip to the end for a positive note.

Pompidom said:
Here goes,

Hi there linux, open source smart ass programmer weirdo's. I come from the gates of hell. And on these gates is written: "Windows noobs only"

Haha, nah serious I think you get my point. Besides knowing how to format and reinstall Windows Xp, I have 0 knowledge about anything Linux, opensource or whatever based shizzle. Terms like compiling and all those other weirdo words you're using are far beyond my Windows brain.
This complete lack of understanding hurts my head.
  1. "format and reinstall Windows", this is not possible, you can format the media to which you install windows.
  2. "knowing how to install windows" has no bearing on "anything linux, opensourced or whatever", Windows is not open source or Linux.
  3. Windows has a GUI to install and format, you followed prompts. (I HATE walking people through prompts. A prompt is self-explanatory, can't people read?)
  4. Shizzle isn't a word, Ain't is a word. Got that Pdizzle? why don't you keep the fdizzle shizzle off of a forum, this is the real world, not a skit from jaimie kennedy or the ghetto.
  5. Compiling and "weirdo words" (shizzle is a weirdo word, compiling is a technical term) are common windows terms, what have you been playing with, a leapfrog?
However, this particular device has peeked my interest and will certainly peek the interest of other noobs like me. The multifunctionality and possibilities seem endless.
"Peek" is a form of looking with your eyes, Peak is to reach the top of, you probably meant pique( ), I commend you on your vocabulary, but am unimpressed with your spelling.

And I'm pretty sure a lot of other people that have never even had their hands on Linux as well will be interested as well. But the biggest problem offcourse will be marketing: making the device popular and at least try to create a small hype. Instead of keeping it a small device for linux/programmer hobbyists only.
My brain spins offcourse as I imagine a small hype. Perhaps it is a hyena/tripe hybrid? Or a Pygmy native to a South Pacific island? :lol:

The easiest way to do this would be to make another youtube video of a finished unit with lots of stuff installed on.
And make it the most anticipating teaser you can. Multiple developers will have to cooperate on this one. Which means all kinds of software.
Can't have another one if there isn't a first one. (a classic Alice in Wonderland paradox)

The movie should start with comparing the size with a DS and a PSP, then booting up the device. Showing 10 seconds the standard linux client installed on. A few basic applications and then gush out all the goodies in a stormwave:
- internet working firefox
- reading mails
- MSN?
- multimedia applications, running mp3's, movies, show an anime episode like Naruto in Avi for a few seconds. People will go nuts about it if they hear the starting song and see an avi episode in action.
- Quick flashes of all the possible emulators with the most popular games in action in realtime. NES/SNES/PSX/SEGA 8/16bit/arcades...
- any opensource high quality fps demo
- if it isn't going to be blocked by youtube: add a porn teaser
porn sells we all know that.

Anyways you get my point.
An official youtube movie teaser instead of the individual projects like now.

Now the 2nd point I want you to be aware off:
I'm lazy. No not lazy I mean UBER lazy. And beware I represent a big % of the world population as an illiterate-programming-sucker-for-games-only

Which means once I order my device: I want a site or 2 channels on this forum dedicated to all possible softwares. As for the moment this is the only reason I'm holding off the purchase of this device.
"User friendlyness" .. let me explain:
For example a topic with the SNES emulator for Pandora. Simple a brief explanation: This is currently the best SNES emulator suited for the Pandora with all links provided + a Faq understandable for noobs like myself where everything is explained step by step how to get that emulator on your Pandory fully functional starting from a stupid Windows computer with a SD card reader.

A faq where I'm explained to do this and this and then compile this shizzle after you compiled that shizzle means nothing to me. It has to be chewed upfront, easy to swallow and room temperature. like feeding a baby. I come from the plug n play generation so I got used to that luxury, just the same like those other 99% that live in "advanced normal countries".

That's about it, hoping to get some positive replies.

How can you expect a positive reply to the continued use of the word shizzle?

If you can't be expected to have a basic level of knowledge where does this end?

*Positive note?

I think that most all games will be pre-compiled. If you can unzip a file to a folder and then navigate to that folder and run the program you should be just fine.

If you can read a file entitled: "README" and then follow the simple instructions in that file you will be just fine.

If you are incapable of reading a simple set of instructions and performing them, how did you ever get signed into these forums?

If you are a baby does your mother wipe your a-dizzle after you shizzle?

"It has to be chewed upfront, easy to swallow and room temperature." I gag to think of eating room temperature food and most people have no teeth on their back side. I don't usually swallow computer games either.

If the PSP menu doesn't confuse you the Pandora should be easy to operate. (I hate the PSP menu, it is not intuitive or especially helpful)

Yes, noobs will be welcome, there will be a noob section to the forum, and there will likely be guides to the GUI interface (this would be an example of an oxymoron, a graphical user interface should be self-explanatory).

Most people would ask you to try and form a coherent thought however, even if they are more tolerant of the word shizzle and the desire to be thought of as a baby.

As for producing a video, that is an excellent notion, just don't ever let the word shizzle near it.

Your web browser should have a spell checker, pay heed to it and think twice about adding slang to its dictionary. As for your lack of basic English skills, I am sure you were introduced English in a school setting, please pay heed to the teacher. The only excuse for this sort of flippant lack of courtesy is not having a full keyboard, since I am assuming you are currently supplied with a standard QWERTY keyboard there is no excuse.
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Snoop Dog and like souls hath wrought pain to the English language. Of this, there is no doubt.

I also wish to echo the sentiment of annoyance obtained when guiding people through prompts.

"It says 'Click Next to Continue'. Should I click Next?"
Just thinking about marketing for a moment, from what I have read the first run of 3000 units will determine future runs, so if takeup is fast then there will be more made, and preumably if it is slow, there will be no more pandoras.

What is concerning is how will that 3000 sell? From what I gather there are people here who are enthusiastic about the pandora (inc. myself!) and would buy one but there's not 3000 people here. There are the devs and maybe lurkers who are watching the site/boards but even then it won't add up to 3000.

ljones said:
Just thinking about marketing for a moment, from what I have read the first run of 3000 units will determine future runs, so if takeup is fast then there will be more made, and preumably if it is slow, there will be no more pandoras.

I do not think if they sell slowly that the pandora will end, it will just be longer until we see the next batch.

What is concerning is how will that 3000 sell? From what I gather there are people here who are enthusiastic about the pandora (inc. myself!) and would buy one but there's not 3000 people here. There are the devs and maybe lurkers who are watching the site/boards but even then it won't add up to 3000.

Well, I think that once they are purchased word of mouth should be enough to sell out this batch, perhaps not the first month, or even couple of months, but the capability of the unit is not in question, and even if people think it "looks goofy" they may discover once they try it that it has very good controls and a screen of much higher quality than most handhelds (and possibly all gaming handhelds :P ).

I am starting to wonder if the OP is an aspiring rapper, some of his words come within striking distance of prose.

Offtopic: Someone should port Simon Tatham's puzzle collection and ask him for permission to include it in the firmware (possibly making saving only on an SD, read only shouldn't hurt anything), this would be killer for the touchscreen and people get addicted to this. There is a game "solo" that is Sudoku, it is just great, it allows you to make scratch marks and remove them very easily, and it also turns to offending numbers red if they can't occupy the same row/column/box.
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ljones said:
What is concerning is how will that 3000 sell? From what I gather there are people here who are enthusiastic about the pandora (inc. myself!) and would buy one but there's not 3000 people here. There are the devs and maybe lurkers who are watching the site/boards but even then it won't add up to 3000.
You know, I really hope you're right. Because I am very paranoid that if I don't pre-order my Pandora within the first couple of hours that the pre-orders are up that it might be sold out. I feel a little secure seeing how few people from the US have posted here. (compared to Europe, etc.) And some of those few thought the Pandora too expensive, so hopefully the US distributor might have a pre-order for me when I try. ^_^;

I seriously doubt that Pandora Pre-orders will last longer than a week. And if they last longer than 2 weeks, I will be very surprised.

-God Ginrai
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