Mappy Compatibility


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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Anyone know if Gigas is compatible with FMP 1.0; I've been using it since it lets me have most of the tiles I need at once (as opposed to 1024, the upper limit of 0.5, it would seem)?

Admittedly, if I were to make a single tileset for each map I did, I could easily fit it into 0.5, but that would take a lot longer (though admittedly, would be a lot smaller eventually), and right at the moment, if I don't need to, I can't be bothered.

Plus, in the castle/mansion/cathedral bit, I want to have a LOT of tiles available... partly because I want to build a very very big stained glass image at one point in it...

So basically - FMP 1.0 or FMP 0.5 .mar files?
I used 1.0 once, it didn't work :/ but I could be mistaken, because 0.5 is kind of fucked up too (the tiles are all moved one square to the left -_-)

I don't use mappy anymore, it fucks with my mind :P
I worked out how to get rid of the one-square-to-the-left, thing, I think, at least. Basically, the tile in the top-left of the tileset HAS to be the transparent colour. Then everything works fine. Otherwise, when it loads, it gets it very very wrong lol.

When you say 1 square out, though, do you mean in Mappy (in the tile selection bit), or in Gigas when imported, or both?
Well... I've found a way to avoid needing FMP 1.0; "delete unused/duplicates" works nicely. But exporting them as MAR and renaming straight to DAT, with onion turned off, and using the GIGAS palette, still seems to give me "error reading map" every time it tries to load them. Do I need to export anything as well as the 3 layer files, M1L0, M1L1, and M1L2, or are there any other common mistakes people have run into?
Hiya, i dont like Mappy personally - but i have exported a few maps without problems, i wrote a little bit in the guide about it:

2b.) Creating and Importing Maps Using Mappy

Mappy is a populour windows application for creating maps for tilebased games,
and luckily it exports to a format which Gigas understands. So if you dont
fancy using the GP32 editor, and dont want to wait for me to get around
to coding my PC editor - give it a try.

Make a new map, and pick a size between 30 and 100 for its dimensions - please
make sure both width and height dimensions are the same (50x50 is ok, 50x60 isnt)

While the Gigas-Editor supports maps which have a height different to the width,
you wont be able to import Mappy maps unless the width and height as the same.

Set the tilesize to 16x16, and click 'OK'

Now select 'File' and 'Import' and select the tileset.bmp you are using, this
will load the tiles.

Now select 'Layer' and add 2 more layers, so you have a Layer 0,1 & 2.

Thats it, your now free to create your map.

Now to export a map into Gigas is pretty easy, the export function
only does a layer at a time, so select Layer 0 and then goto 'File'
and select 'Export'

The export filename should be M<map number>L<layer number>

So if your making map1, and exporting layer 0 - it'll be "M1L0".

Now tick the 'Map Array (?.mar)' option and click 'OK' to export the map.

you'll now have M1L0.MAR, so go ahead and do the same for the other two layers
so you'll also have M1L1.MAR and M1L2.MAR.

Gigas doesn't call them .MAR files, but .DAT - so rename them all to .dat files
instead of .mar and then simply copy them into your game folder on the SMC

When you load the map on gigas you'll notice its wonky and everything is in the
wrong place, to fix this you must "FLIP" each layer you've imported.

So select the layer you've imported (or go thru all 3 layers if you've imported
all three) then press select and pick 'FLIP MAP' from the options list to correct it.

Once they are all corrected, resave the map and your done.

Sounds a bit fiddly, but its honestly not as tricky as it sounds.
Righteo - problem solved.
Basically, I'd messed up the tileset I was using, and used one that, whilst it had the right palette, was about 3000 tiles too big - or of course, once I'd deleted duplicates etc., about 1900 too small. Hence when it tried to read the tile reference, it found it waaaaay short of what it was supposed to be and had an error at me.

It also turned out completely the wrong shape unless I exported a 100x100 map, but once I'd done that, it works. Which is good :).

Hopwfully next time, I'll get it right quicker lol.