Mame Requests, If Possible...


Hardcore Gamer
Oct 29, 2004
There's a couple of things I'd like to request, if possible...I'm not sure if they are or not.

1.)Ms.PacMan with the speed hack (ms pac goes ~2x as fast, the ghosts move the same speed, it makes the game last longer and it's just more fun, IMO)

2.)can you make an option to make it default to 166MHz? I have to manually switch it every time. Thanx, if possible! :)

I can't think of anything else right now, it's pretty much perfect for me, at least...
thanx for all the hard work, guys! You help make the community shine! :D
BobBorakovitz posted on Aug 24 2005 at 06:30 AM said:
2.)can you make an option to make it default to 166MHz? I have to manually switch it every time. Thanx, if possible! :)

If you choose the option "save as default" instead of "save config" or "don't save", then it will always default to whatever you saved as, i.e 166mhz, regardless of the game you choose

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BobBorakovitz posted on Aug 24 2005 at 07:30 AM said:
There's a couple of things I'd like to request, if possible...I'm not sure if they are or not.

1.)Ms.PacMan with the speed hack (ms pac goes ~2x as fast, the ghosts move the same speed, it makes the game last longer and it's just more fun, IMO)

2.)can you make an option to make it default to 166MHz? I have to manually switch it every time. Thanx, if possible! :)

I can't think of anything else right now, it's pretty much perfect for me, at least...
thanx for all the hard work, guys! You help make the community shine! :D

1. I don't know anything about a speed hack for Ms. PacMan. I do know that there are options in a lot of game for various hidden switches to be flipped, possibly putting the games in to some sort of cheat mode. I don't think the ability to flip these switches will added in the near future.

2. This is already possible, from the readme.txt...

- Press SELECT to change the save configuration options. Next options are available:
No Save: Do NOT save the configuration.
Save Config: Save specific game configuration: gp:\gpmm\mamegp32\cfg\rom_name.cfg
Save as Default: Save default configuration for all games: gp:\gpmm\mamegp32\cfg\mame.cfg
(it also saves gp:\gpmm\mamegp32\cfg\rom_name.cfg)

If that doesn't make sense, I'll try to re-word it.

"No Save" means just start the game and don't remember what settings you started it with.

"Save Config" means save the settings for just this one game by creating a rom_name.cfg file to store the settings for that particular game.

"Save as Default" Create a default settings file that all games will use ONLY IF "Save Config" has not been used for that game in the past.

"Save as Default" is the option you want. Then use "Save Config" to change the options for particular games that need alternative settings.
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Only thing I would like to see added in terms of functionality is auto-fire options for the buttons. I'm too old to rapid fire with my thumb. ;) Auto fire makes shmups more friendly to my arthritis. :p
prophet i respect you (well as much as one can respect a guy on a message board about video games) but admitting to being too sore for DIY autofire. FOR SHAME. half the fun of any game is playing so much that your fingers cramp up and you then can not write or type or prepare food for days!

and as far as the ms pacman speedhack... i would like to publicly denounce this (since i am having a negative post here, might as well get it all off my chest). But seriously. the fun of ms. pacman lies in the more balanced version of the game, where you and the ghosts are on an even playing field. when you can whip around the maze, the challenge just gets fucked. sure, it's more instantly gratifying, i'll give you that, but after playing a few extended rounds of the game, it just becomes boring. whereas in the slower "normal" version, which immediately feels like a drag after getting juiced by playing the hyper version.. well it becomes much more of a challenge to eat ALL the ghosts, and all the fruits, and actually get a respectable score. it's not hard ot do, but it just takes practice.. eventually you can drag out a 2-player game with two medium-level players to about 45 minutes, but the intensity will be much deeper for both of you (rather than just draggy and novel). Plus it becomes more fun to play over and over again "just one more!!" But, I know.. the sped-up version is popular for a reason, and very prevalent. well, so is fast food, right? (no pun intended). it's a shame then, because so many will never appreciate the game for the actual nuance with which it was meant to be played.

if you do enjoy the "normal" ms pac and are pretty good at it, check out jr. pacman as well, it's less well known (plays great on gp mame as well). if you only like fast mspac you'll hate it, but otherwise it's kind of addicting in it's own right. ms pacman is definitely the peak of the series, the formula was pretty perfect if you ask me.

super pacman was cool when i was 8 but just kind of blows now, haha.
(wow. i just wrote about pacman games for the last 15 minutes of my life.)
How about incorporating all of the Pac-Man variants, hacks and bootlegs that are found in Multipac into MAME? I still have Multipac but it is buggy, slow and the sound is glitchy. Either that or update the code in MultiPac to the same level as MAME is now.

The other request would be to have sound in more games too. Games like this are unplayable to me when silent, too bad as some of the best classics are mute.

@ I kind of agree with Ralp on the autofire, playing Galaga with autofire would be so lame, having to pump the fire button was most of the challenge/fun. And before you say it Prophet "just because the option is there doesn't mean you have to use it" yeah I know. I just think there are alot of things like sound that are more important as of now though :)
yeah, I understand that not everyone would like the speed-hacked pac-man, but I used to work at a place that had a real speed-hacked Ms. Pacman cabinet and I had an absolute blast on it...we used to have little competitions when it was slow, so I usually play it on my homemade MAME cabinet, & just thought it'd be nice to have it on the GP.