mame emulator

  • Thread starter Thread starter extremegamer
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I was just thinking, the other posts about MAME emulation pretty much states that no arcade games more advanced than the late 80's arcade machines could be emulated at fair speed. Then why do we need MAME, a fair amount of good arcade games from the 80's to early early 90's are already remade and play good on other GP emulators, like the Colecovision, Nes, PCEngine, Atari ST. I was amazed at how well Castaway works and Robocop is almost exactly like the arcade and that would've been one of the games a mame emulator would not be able to run. Just a thought. I don't think MAME is as important as people make it out to be.
You're right about the Coleco versions... along with the PCE, C64 and Castaway, there are a few good conversions.

However, there are a lot of titles missing or that have been ported badly. A few that spring to mind are:

Lunar Lander
Ghosts 'n Goblins
Moon Cresta
Tron (OK, so the controls won't be right)
Green Beret
Smash TV

And they're just the ones I can think of at the moment.
Almost without exception the actual arcade version is better. Any port is an interpretation of the arcade game, not the actual arcade game.

Add to the fact that:

- Colecovision had only mono-colour four sprites before flicker
- NES had only four sprites before flicker

- Colecovision could not smoothly scroll on any axis
- Atari ST could not smoothly scroll horizontally and usually required
severely restricted screen sizes for such games

- the PC Engine had it all graphics wise for the early/mid-80's games, but they are still ports

Anyone here buy that Intellivision Direct to TV thing?
It's a NES with the INTV games ported to it: it flickers when the actual Intellivision games didn't!!! (the NES is otherwise vastly superior though...)
Another thing too, about mame, i know nobody is going to care but the big thing about mame is the legal aspect of it, which i find very very hilarious. I never used a mame emulator, but since Roms are illegal except if you own the actual machine, I wonder how many people that use mame actually do own the machines.
You know, extremegamer, you have turn into the #1 whiny bitch on these forums, which is quite a feat, as I usually take that title.

What am i whining about??? I'm just asking why people think so highly of a mame emulator on GP32, i don't think its needed, and just asked how many people actually own arcade machines. Why do you have to be such a dick? is it your time of the month?

This to me is whining. "Why no full speed. i want full speed full sound, all emultors suck" "Snes9x sucks" I want this and I want that, that tons of other people bitch about. I hardly complain about any program for the GP32. And if I am wrong then prove it.

I can't stand people that act all hard and big behind forums, chat rooms, and over phone. Its a true sign of cowardice.
extremegamer posted on Dec 11 2003 at 03:50 PM said:
but since Roms are illegal except if you own the actual machine, I wonder how many people that use mame actually do own the machines.
Erm, you're right, of course. *cough* I do own a number of old JAMMA boards and box full of old ROM chips *cough* not that I'm saying what's on them. *cough*.

Still, you can pick up some old, and not so old cabinets and roms for a song.

Or some newer stuff too. Wouldn't say no to Star Wars Trilogy.

You could always download them legally (for a small fee) at StarRoms.

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I'd love a mame emu for two reasons.

1: Food Fight for me :D

2: New Rally X for the wife

atari 800 food fight just doesn't cut it.

ports are nice when it's all you've got, but why settle for underpowered half-assedness when you can have the real deal? ok, maybe the "real deal" involves an actual cabinet if you want to get technical, and a loud room full of screaming kids with Def Leppard booming on the radio in the background - but barring that..
ralp99 posted on Dec 11 2003 at 05:41 PM said:
loud room full of screaming kids with Def Leppard booming on the radio in the background - but barring that..
..must resist flashbacks....ahhhh, let me ask everybody this, one of my favorite games as a kid was Roadblaster. For what system do you think the best version of this game that came out was?
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roadblasters: lynx version was pretty good!
also the lynx version of stun runner was great too (did they even prot that game to any other system, I don't think so)
Hwrd posted on Dec 11 2003 at 03:11 PM said:
Almost without exception the actual arcade version is better.
I agree with this, but playing arcade games on MAME is not necessarily as good as playing ports for other systems. With MAME, one thing that is lost is the money factor, so you have endless continues/lives and with ports, they usually limit things a bit.

A good example of what I am talking about is Gauntlet. Me and a friend of mine set up a PC to play Gauntlet one day and found the whole thing seemed fairly empty on MAME as you can at any point press a button to insert extra health to your character. We then decided to get the Spectrum version up and running instead as that has a limited number of continues thing and it was a lot more fun as we had to really try to avoid monsters and nab food and gold from each other. The point is that the Spectrum version obviously wasn't as good looking or sounding as the arcade one, but it was more fun than playing it on MAME.
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