Make my own GP32 games...

BenRoshi posted on Dec 31 2003 at 04:54 AM said:
Would learning java be just as good?
There was someone making a port of the JAVA VM to the GP32, but his website is not online anymore so maybe the project is dead.

But of course knowing any programming language is going to be a great advantage. Specially JAVA since you will already know about data types and arrays...

int, char, long, arrays, etc

and you will also know about loops

for, while and do while

and you will also know about conditional statements

if, if else, else, switch

WHEN YOU KNOW the above things you can pretty much program in any language, its just a matter of looking up the API to learn how to display graphics and do sound.

Just get a hold of a good tutorial or the source of a few games and you'll be set.
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you could do something creative with the yeti3d level editor, and hope it's useful to someone...

or see if you could do anything with the VNS (virtual novel system) thingy...
Someone was going to port DragonBasic or something to the GP32... It's basic for the GBA (would be also for GP32 if it was ported)... But I dunno if it will ever be finished