Magic The Gathering related software


Retro game fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
Fort Knox, KY. USA
Some of you may have heard of Magic The Gathering, if not it's a wonderful trading card game that started in the 90's

There are tons of apps for keeping track of life, looking up prices, building decks, tracking your collection etc.

Was wondering if there was an application for this in the repo? I wasn't able to find anything regarding it, it's kind of a niche hobby I suppose. But breaking out the pandora when playing a game with friends to keep track of life totals etc would be extra nerdy.

Something like this in a simple standalone app would be neat

Something over the top, and wouldn't scale well to the pandora but would be awesome

The equivalent in android (drains my phone too fast), and might have to just break down and run it though apkenv, but I figured I'd ask first.
I've been on and off playing Magic since 1995. It was gaining popularity when I was in high school back then and about 10 years ago I picked it back up pretty heavy. Actually in my area in New England Magic still has a huge following. 

On the repo there is Cockatrice and Wagic both are a tad hard to get it working. Both I believe let you play decks you can build. so I guess you could use it for deck building if you have luck with it. Personally I've never really tried hard enough to get either to work. 
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IMHO there are two important aspects of MtG:

1. Playing the game

2. Collecting the cards

While I do play MtG from time to time it's nothing I would like to do on my Pandora for several reasons. For me managing my card collection is the goal to reach. BUT there are dozens of apps for iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux and only a few meet my requirements. Most of them lack a decent UI, many just care about few aspects of collecting and many are plainly outdated or even discontinued. What nags me the most is the absence of open database formats: Do I really want to rely on one programmer to maintain my chosen app in the next years?

All in all I was about to write my own program a while back and stopped my efforts for one important reason: Missing data. There is no api for the Gatherer nor for crystalkeep. Literally every source of second hand data was either closed source, suspicious, incomplete, discontinued or a combination of these four when I looked into it.

And man I was so enthusiastic about an app featuring the needed functions AND being keyboard driven and and pocketable!
I will update Cockatrice and Wagic ASAP, but for me is not difficult to make them work, except Wagic with Minimenu or Openbox.

I use Cockatrice for deck building and collection management, but playing is not easy. That's why i have ported Wagic.

But this days, Print and Play card games (GrimSlingers, Zaibatsu, Animus the Battle for Wesnoth) take a lot of my free time, ;)
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Magic Work Station was the best magic online playing program i know. Should works with wine. Maybe together with exagear?
You seriously dosnt want to say, our Magic is the same as "Yugio"???

This is insane !!!!

I remember the good old days, at Boyscouts, where my kolleges all playd Magic, i got me than my own Cards, and also learned to play and enjoined it werry..

Yugio was for us just a Tradingcardgame from a Anime, noting that cool as Magic..

And i remind the Pen In Paper Rollplay Evenings, where whe all sit in the Tent,

I ditnt playd pen and Paper, but i liket to listen to the Storytelling :)

Was a great time then..

So whe need a Magic the Gathering Game..
I will update Cockatrice and Wagic ASAP, but for me is not difficult to make them work, except Wagic with Minimenu or Openbox.

I use Cockatrice for deck building and collection management, but playing is not easy. That's why i have ported Wagic.

But this days, Print and Play card games (GrimSlingers, Zaibatsu, Animus the Battle for Wesnoth) take a lot of my free time, ;)
To be fair, I may have only put a few minutes into it..
I seen wagic, but I guess I should revise my request, and cockatrice is definitely worth a look I think for at least the card collection portion. The goal isn't to play the game it's self on the pandora but more use the pandora as a digital magic assistant.

Bringing only my trading binder for my things that are in heavy demand, but have a database to say "yea I got one of those, I can bring that next week" instead of dragging 5-6 binders of bulk old stuff, or the boxes of weird old common/cheap cards in my trunk everywhere I go.

What I was hoping for mainly was something to take with me when playing paper magic, something I can use to track and display my/their life totals during the game on the table, but also serves as a mobile database after I input what I own into it.

I currently take out my phone, turn it to the life tracker, and put it face up on the table and hit the screen whenever the totals change. It's good, but for some reason I can't seem to make it through a night of playing without a charger nearby. Pandora could display some numbers on the screen for hours and hours I'd think no problem, be easier/better when on display, and use physical buttons to +/-  etc.
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Please dont forget that we have a freeware Yugi Oh Card Game which is wonderfull on the Repo ;)
You brought up Yugi Oh in a Magic the Gathering Thread? O_oHow about the Pokémon Trading Card Game in a Gameboy emulator! :>
Please dont forget that we have a freeware Yugi Oh Card Game which is wonderfull on the Repo ;)
You brought up Yugi Oh in a Magic the Gathering Thread? O_o
How about the Pokémon Trading Card Game in a Gameboy emulator! :>
Hey now... that game was awesome. I spent an entire family vacation playing it when it first came out.
Wagic worked well enough for me when I last played with it months ago.  I don't remember if it allows playing online.  If so, maybe we can try to schedule something.

For me it stopped being about collecting cards over a decade ago.  I have better things to spend my money on, and most of my original collection was lost (stolen) and damaged.  For me not needing to purchase and protect the card makes it more enjoyable for me, as I can just focus on the game.  There were some other ones that weren't mentioned in this thread I wanted to look into, however the same issues I have with physical Magic cards will likely keep me out of those as well. 
I tried to use cockatrice but there seem to be outdated defaults. I think I have to start with "oracle' to get the cards' info but cannot retrieve that information with an error telling me it is not found. Does anyone know which server to use?

I also looked again for free sources of data for MtG and found The provided data there includes the latest expansion but it lacks pictures deliberately. As mentioned in the documentation the picture server was closed on request of Wizards of the Coast or Hasbro.
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