Luckiest GP32 Owner Ever


Apr 7, 2003
I would just like to officially announce that I am apparently the luckiest GP32 owner ever.

I bought my GP32 from Lik-Sang. I was told it would arrive in 2-3 business days. It took five days in all to arrive (including a 2 day weekend). What luck!

Instead of ordering a SMC from another source, I bought one locally, and had it on hand when my GP32 was delivered. More luck!

By following the guide at and the instruction booklet, I had my GP32 online and registered in a matter of minutes. More luck!

In the past three months, my SMC has never crashed, lost a file, had a problem formatting, or performed in any way out of the ordinary. More luck!

Despite no FLU, my GP32 looks great in the home, in the car, and outside. My screen has no dust, remains unscratched, and looks great. More luck!

I wasn't dissatisfied in the least, because I checked websites like and and saw what software was available before ordering. In fact, every emulator I've tried has performed exactly as advertised, problems and all. More luck!

Castaway and Frodo alone give me over 10,000 GAMES that run at FULL SPEED. fNES32 (about to be released) and the new SNES emu also apparently run at full speed. More luck!

My buttons all still work. My joystick still works. My USB cable still works. I haven't flashed my GP32, and I haven't upgraded PC Link. More luck!

I think I must indeed be the luckiest GP32 owner on the face of the Earth. Either that, or ...
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Imagine if your legs bent the other way at your kness. What would a chair look like then?

I am lucky, because when my black gp32 came, it had a used 16mb SMC card inside the unit!
HA! But strange
kill me2 posted on May 27 2003 said:

I am lucky, because when my black gp32 came, it had a used 16mb SMC card inside the unit!
HA! But strange
Crikey! that is lucky...

did you get it second hand then?
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i'm pretty much the same - got my GP - real pleased with every emu i've tried and never had any problems - what a cool li'l ol' system!!!
:o a free smc that is amazingly lucky. My gp32's has had no problems either. Apart from my failure 2 use fmsx properly (always corrupts my smc when scanning 4 roms :( :( )
You got a _BLACK_ GP32 _and_ a FREE SMC?!?!

I hate you. ;)

Can you PLEASE post some photos of the black GP32? I've never seen what they really look like, I know I can just imagine it but I'd love to some pics.
I would just like to officially announce that I am apparently the luckiest GP32 owner ever.

"I would just like to officially announce that I'm great, and you're not, and I've had no problems, but you have, and ... Nyaaah nyaahh na na nyaaaaah"
There are at least 10000 gp32 owners just as lucky as you are.
Just because you see hundreds of people posting here about their problems, you shouldn't assume everyone is having them. A year ago, when I bought my gp32, there was no official way to get the freelauncher, and you had to use the gp32 test mode to find out what your id was to get the FL running, but yet I didn't see anyone freak out like some people do today. It's a simple rule: more people=stupider people (no offense to anyone :D )

I'm even more lucky, i bought a brand new GP32 and straight out of the box it never worked properly..... never worked at all..!

What LUCK.. !!

aharding posted on May 27 2003 said:
I think he is lying, or being sarcastic.
I think they were selling the black ones at that french site.

...although, I am slightly crazy.
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shah posted on May 27 2003 said:

I'm even more lucky, i bought a brand new GP32 and straight out of the box it never worked properly..... never worked at all..!

What LUCK.. !!

Hey shah,

Wanna swap, Brought my GP and the bloody thing work, Damn. :D
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