Looks Like The Mk2s Are Shipping!


Still Fresh
Apr 29, 2006
Sydney, Au
Visit site
I've had my GP2x on back order with Play-Asia for a couple of weeks now, almost going out of my mind with anticipation.

I just received an email from Play-Asia letting me know that my order has been dispatched via UPS. :D

Anyone else have backordered units they're looking forward to?

Not much longer now!
waiting, though have only been on order for a few days. i imagine at the end of the week with next day delivery, (thurs/friday)

perfect for me as I have 2nd year university exams on wednesday and thursday. should be revising. couldnt see that happening if i get my gp2x before then. hahaha
You guys getting the MK2's please post your findings when they arrive, I'm particularly interested in the stick, anyone with both units doing a comparison would be invaluable.



Ubersnug posted on May 22 2006 at 12:59 PM said:
I'm still waiting on my confirmation email from GP2X.co.uk!

Same, There site seems to be back up now but no new updates whatsoever concerning the MK2.
I just want my gp2x now! I've been waiting for weeks.
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degziebob posted on May 22 2006 at 09:52 PM said:
dammit you are just teasing me!!

CnP from the Play-Asia site:

Shipping type: UPS
Shipping weight: 1.56 kg
Live UPS shipping data
May 22, 2006	  21:27:00	  HK 	CHEK LAP KOK	  EXPORT SCAN
May 22, 2006	  21:27:00	  HK 	CHEK LAP KOK	  EXPORT SCAN
May 22, 2006	  21:26:00	  HK 	CHEK LAP KOK	  ORIGIN SCAN
May 22, 2006	  21:26:00	  HK 	CHEK LAP KOK	  ORIGIN SCAN
May 22, 2006	  19:08:00	  HK 	KWAI CHUNG	  PICKUP SCAN
May 22, 2006	  04:58:27	  HK 		  BILLING INFORMATION RECEIVED
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Argh! So today I'm really happy because Play-Asia has them on stock and I'd finally be able to place my order. But then the bloody Americans decide to increase their basic interest rates throwing stock exchanges around the world into a roller coaster descent, and the dollar skyrockets as a consequence. Meaning I won't be able to place my order anytime soon >_< Arrrggghhh I'm so damn mad, I want a GP2X so baaaaad!!!!
Paulo Becker posted on May 22 2006 at 06:59 PM said:
Argh! So today I'm really happy because Play-Asia has them on stock and I'd finally be able to place my order. But then the bloody Americans decide to increase their basic interest rates throwing stock exchanges around the world into a roller coaster descent, and the dollar skyrockets as a consequence. Meaning I won't be able to place my order anytime soon >_< Arrrggghhh I'm so damn mad, I want a GP2X so baaaaad!!!!

hooray for us!
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gaterooze posted on May 22 2006 at 09:11 PM said:
The US dollar hasn't changed all that much. At most it'll only cost you an extra $5 or so.
Heh not really. Here in Brazil one dollar went from 2.10 "Brazilian Moneys" to 2.30 in one day =/ Including taxes and shipping, that'll amount to a difference of over 100 BR$. And I'm concerned it might continue rising throughout the week. Bummer for me ;_;
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