LJGP32 0.2 WIP screenshots

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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For those who havent checked yet, Yoyo's just made another WIP update on his website with very promising feature updates mentioned.. and he's put up a screenshots page showing off new pics from his current WIP work on 0.2, including a nice new splash screen. :D

Here's a quick link to the screenshots page:

There's even zapper support for Duck Hunt! W00t! :lol:

Looks like 0.2 is very, very near, I can smell it.. :)
what the hell!! Did he defeat the sprite flickering problems that appeared in the original games??? oh, that's too freakin' cool....
Holy cow, that's only version 0.2 beta... what the hell does he plan to include in future releases?? I can't think of anything more...
You just have to open the LJGP32 homepage and read the title (it shows above the menu of the browser)

Well, for all folks too tired to look, the title of the homepage ist:

Little John: NES & SNES emulator

CRAP! Look at all those features - Cant wait, looks brilliant. Nes Competition hotting up nicely now.

Interesting about the Snes EMU too...
Ok I remember reading about this emulator when it first came out. Currently it is only a nes emulator but that is just a starting point. After he has perfected the nes portion of the emulation he is planing on adding support for other systems in the same emulator. I remeber reading that he will then include snes emulation which you guys have already mentioned and then later add support for the GBA. So as you can see this emulator will most likly be in development for a long while but over time if things work out as planed it could really become somthing to look out for. I already think its pretty nice and its far from complete. I perfer it over any of the other nes emulators because the controls are a little tighter than nester just try punchout and see what I mean. And for obvious reasons I perfer it over infones.
Does he really think he can achieve all of the above? I'm highly impressed with all the features that were contributed in his nes emu, but can he do the same with snes and gba? And if so then his work will be highly appreciated by all of us. I say GOOD LUCK! :)
I was wondering why he'd used '0.2' its so he can keep bumping such a low number up without ending up with a silly number such as Version 9.1 upon the addition of GBA support. I have to say I'm impressed, ok so its in my blood to pretend to hate nintendo (something I'm still stuck with since the golden era of my generation) and I'd prefer a genesis emu, but I definately will be checking out this NES emulator when it rears its head.
Yeah, I'd worked that one out... although I think my prefered system might be or something - in order, Complete, GBA, Snes, Nes - each section with an individual version number. But that'd still be an annoying number in the end.
EvilDragon posted on Jul 6 2003 said:
Ahm... me again...

Just to know... did anyone actually read the title of LJGP32 homepage?

You should really do that... looks like I know what he's going to plan for future releases :)

Wohooooo :)
woah! I never noticed that. I can't wait until he starts working on it. Looks like intellecto is going to have some competition :D
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