There is a small resistor that fell out but I dont know how to put the fellow back in safely.. Ill circle it in this picture.
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Could this be a problem or something? I just want to know if this resistor has a very big purpose and if its dangerous to use my unit without it inside.
it says C106 I tink on it..
Its not inside of my 2 right now I left it in the Sd card case.
I dont think I can send it back since I modded it and stuff hehe. I Might let my brother sauder it in for me since hes like a pro at that.. But I dont know which way it goes in..

>resize the image please ... you broke the forum's frame<
Could this be a problem or something? I just want to know if this resistor has a very big purpose and if its dangerous to use my unit without it inside.
it says C106 I tink on it..
I dont think I can send it back since I modded it and stuff hehe. I Might let my brother sauder it in for me since hes like a pro at that.. But I dont know which way it goes in..