Little Resistor Detached


Mar 29, 2005
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There is a small resistor that fell out but I dont know how to put the fellow back in safely.. Ill circle it in this picture.

>resize the image please ... you broke the forum's frame<

Could this be a problem or something? I just want to know if this resistor has a very big purpose and if its dangerous to use my unit without it inside.

it says C106 I tink on it.. o.O Its not inside of my 2 right now I left it in the Sd card case.

I dont think I can send it back since I modded it and stuff hehe. I Might let my brother sauder it in for me since hes like a pro at that.. But I dont know which way it goes in..

TelcoLou posted on Mar 31 2006 at 07:21 PM said:
(also moved to I Need Help)

Oh crap I thought I linked the image not posted it directly.. What was the link for it? I dont remember where I uploaded it o.O

was in a hurry when I posted it but im home now
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Sounds like a capacitor I would'nt worry if it still works ok,
a resistor would be more serious.
armac31 posted on Apr 1 2006 at 12:35 AM said:
Sounds like a capacitor I would'nt worry if it still works ok,
a resistor would be more serious.

Hm ok then, Ill just keep it stashed away if I ever find out that it does anything. Thanks xD
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Han posted on Apr 3 2006 at 01:49 PM said:
Here's a thread about electronical components that tries to sneak off...

Hm.. this may be why my batteries dont last as long.. I need to find a way to get it back in though unless gp32z fixes them for free.. I broke my warrently by soldering springs onto the broken battery contacts so yeah. Cant get a replacement.. hehe

Plus i melted alot of the contact support plastic.. :)
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it may be possible to reattach it with a fine tip soldering iron and tweezers, depending on where its at (cant see your pic). It really should be done with a SMD rework station (check google). Most electronics repair places are likely to have one, and be able to put it back on if you take them the board. I'd do it for you but its probably not worth shipping it to the US.
Vimacs posted on Apr 3 2006 at 04:01 PM said:
just get it fixed, best would be to contact evildragon/ he can fix most things.

Hm.. i guess I could do that but currently ive only got enough money for a external power pack for my gp2x.. :)

im going to let my bro try it out see how it goes.
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Confucius, he say "when part, even small, fall off machine that works with the sky's power, it unwise to use machine"

Or, if you lost a capacitor / resistor from your device, it's probably not a great idea to use it until it's fixed.

Capacitors store current for quick release, this is often used to smooth out current spikes or to cope with rapid changes in power demands. You might be causing damage to delicate components if you try to operate it without.

Resistors are often used to regulate voltage. Again, not a great idea to try using it without all the resistors in place.

For your information,

Capacitors look something like this:

Or this:

And resistors look like this:
... but SMD parts look all alike, they´re small black cubes :(

It´s pretty certain it´s a capacitor if there´s a Cxxx printed on it. Resistors are Rxxx.
Yeah.. its a black little box thingy.. I cant access the pages on here to show you guys the one.. from some error at gp2x FA.

Anyway I just want to know which way the little fella should face when it gets soldered in there. Does anyone know? or atake a peek in their gp2x and tell me which way the letters should face on it?

Its the black rectangle that says C106 right above the battery poles.
If your talking about the one thats at location C192, then the white stripe faces towards the battery terminal. If you talking about the one in location C13, then the stripe faces away from the batt terminal.

If its another one, just tell me the location id.
grahf posted on Apr 5 2006 at 09:28 PM said:
If your talking about the one thats at location C192, then the white stripe faces towards the battery terminal. If you talking about the one in location C13, then the stripe faces away from the batt terminal.

If its another one, just tell me the location id.

thanks alot grahf, it wa the C13 one. I just resoldered it and boy.. It works now xD

My voltage is now smooth as ever! Ill probably be getting my 5hours out of my batteries again which makes me happy. ^^
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