A Suitable Replacement For The Infamous 'c106'?


Still Fresh
Jan 28, 2006
It seems there are a number of people who share the same problem as me: My guess would be that this 'C106' is a capacitor and it seems to fall off rather easily.



The two above posts report the same electrical component falling off from their GP2X boards. Their solution was trivial though: they just had to get it soldered back on. My problem, however unfortunate I may be, is that TWO of these 'C106's fell off and I lost BOTH of them.

So I want to ask which electrical component, which I think is a capacitor, can appropriately replace the lost 'C106's.

Thanks in advance.

BTW, here's a picture of the C106:
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I know it does without them but from a 266 MHz stable overclock my GP2X could formerly handle, it crashes around 250 MHz, and in many cases, the stability of the GP2X gets compromised. It's exactly this reason I would like to restore my GP2X, and perhaps if I'm adventurous enough, play around with different capacitors to increase over clocking potential. But for now, I would like to get a start on where to find a viable replacement.
mrpham said:
play around with different capacitors to increase over clocking potential. But for now, I would like to get a start on where to find a viable replacement.
Increasing a GP2X's oveclocking ability would be very nice, especially for those who have the newer, generally lower clocking, units.
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My thoughts exactly. However, getting a viable replacement for the 'C106' would be a nice start. :rolleyes:
according to robster's comment's in that thread, you're going to want one that's 10 microfarad and polarized. tantalum is best since that's what the original is, but you should probably avoid the surface-mount type unless you're extremely brave :D

you can check with evildragon about the required voltage and which way to orient it since i'm guessing he's repaired some.

i've had my gp2x for over a year and a half, one of those caps just fell out recently, but i haven't noticed any changes in OC or battery life.