Little Help...


The Dutchmaster
Mar 14, 2004
Manhattan, NY
ok, so heres the deal. Got my gp flu in the mail, accept it was sent to my house and not my college. All my roms and such are on my laptop here, but once I get home, I won't be able to connect to the internet with my laptop, only my desktop (I use wireless in the house and don't have another card). This means I wont be able to register or do any of that crap from my laptop. So I guess my question is what files need to be on my laptop to install programs and roms, and can I download all these files and drivers now onto my laptop or transfer them via diskette from my desktop at home (ex. I know i need to register to get the freelauncher, but do I need that program to install files and such). Not exactly a simple question, I know, and i'm sure i'm missing something here. Please help. I have xp on both computers by the way. Thanks.
Everything is there on Game park. But you need an internet connection and the GP32 at the same time to achieve registration. You cannot download the software and, later, register the GP32, I think.
sorry, guess i didn't make myself clear. I know that the gp needs to be hooked up to an online comp. to register. My desktop at home does this, but i wont be able to with my laptop (which has all the games in it). Registering it wont be a problem, but putting my games on it from my laptop will. What needs to be on the laptop do do this and can i transfer these files over to my desktop via floppy or perhaps a zip disk...?
Once u have registered u just need the PClink software to connect it up, or alternitavely u cud just use an SMC reader/write, make ure life a hell of a lot easier
Freelauncher is installed to the gp32, so you either need pclink on the laptop (no drivers needed) or you could install gpdrive on the gp32 and windows will (hopefully) detect it as a removable drive (search this forum for more info on gpdrive)
you guys have been very helpful. So I should be fine with just having pclink 1.2 installed on my laptop after i do all that registation crap from my pc?