Linux Video Editing Help


Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008
Seriously, this should not be as difficult as it is.
I've got a video I recorded at 15 frames per second. I want to play it back at 4x speed but keep it at 15 frames per second. I've tried a bunch of different editors, and even basic mencoder, but all of their "speed up" options just change the frame rate. The reason I want to keep it the same frame rate is so that I can paste it together with other videos at standard speed. When I try to paste a 15 FPS video together with a 60 FPS video, it normalizes the frame rates and the 60 FPS video goes back to being a long and slow 15 FPS video. This happens in Openshot, avidemux, and Cinelerra.
Ultimately the way I did it was to encode it once to change the frame rate so it was the speed I wanted (in such a way that I don't lost any quality) and then re-encode it into mpeg2 with mencoder as if I were preparing a DVD; only the mpeg2 encoder takes and will compensate the framerate, I've found. I can then take that re-encoded video and paste it together with my others, but seriously, that's 3 encodings where 1 should suffice. Is anyone aware of anything that would do this? I mean, I'm not even trying to resample the audio, I just want the video. There are a dozen tools in Windows that can do this, why isn't there a single one in Linux that can?
I think you can do this in mencoder by "overriding" the FPS settings in your original 15 FPS video:
mencoder -o video_4x.avi -ovc lavc -ofps 15 -fps 60 video_original.avi
Indeed you can!
That's one step removed. Good enough. Now if only OpenShot could actually do what it says it did I could get it down to one step :P