Libpng Warning When Loading Data From Memory


Aug 24, 2005
I have a PNG file which I load from program memory (converted with bin2h), like so:

SDL_RWops* imageRW = SDL_RWFromMem(image, image_size);
SDL_Surface* imageGfx = IMG_LoadTyped_RW(imageRW, 1, "png");

The output to stderr is this (I tracked the output to be from that particular line above):
libpng warning: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
libpng warning: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk

If I load the PNG from an external file, like so, then there is no libpng warning:

SDL_Surface* imageGfx = IMG_Load("image.png");

I searched on Google regarding these particular warnings, and for many people the apps that gave these warnings crashed. Now, my program runs fine despite these warnings, but something is obviously wrong. Oh, if it matters, I statically link libpng from DevKitGP2X.

Thanks for any clearing up! :)
I always just use IMG_Load_RW in case I ever decide to change the type of the image, and I've never had any problems with it on windows or the gp2x.
I just tried IMG_Load_RW, and it still displays the same warnings. Thanks for the idea though!