Lf Help With Pricing Something


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Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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As the title says, I'm looking for help with prices for an item I currently hold. The item in question is a rare E3 2004 Light-up DS stylus made and handed out by Nintendo at the E3 2004 conference. I haven't been able to find any at all on eBay or through searching on Google so I'm guessing that it's pretty rare. Just curious for a price on it as I'm thinking of selling it. Any ideas anyone?

edit: An image of the stylus

lol I have 2 :p. I bought the 2nd on ebay as they were starting to dry up.

Didn't post this to brag or anything, but I do think that they'd snatch up a pretty penny now that very few pop up.

Hold onto it!
Ah man, that's pretty cool. I think the only random nintendo thing I have is a Mario pez dispenser, and I'm pretty sure that's not worth anything.
@ DCGM - You must have been quick getting hold of 2. I could only manage one and then they were gone. Very doubtful any more will appear on eBay seeing as it was given to Journalists and they like to brag about having cool freebies.

Not much point in me holding on to the thing really. It's been sitting in the box it arrived in nearly 4 years ago and I haven't even used it to play the DS. I've taken it out to show people (and subsequently run the batteries down) but that's it. Someone elsewhere said I'd be lucky to get £15-£20 for it. A bit shoddy there but they obviously don't understand its rarity.
Well, feel free to pop it on ebay and see what you get. I actually bought them both on ebay as I saw pics and was really interested. Like I said though, at that time ebay was pretty flooded and they were ending for about $20 or less.

Edit: you know, you CAN replace the batteries.
^ Yeh I know I can replace the batteries. Never got around to doing it because I never used the thing and never saw a need to replace them. Wonder how easy it would be to replace the light in it though. Would be pretty sweet with a red colour. I'll have a look at it later on and see.