Let's Workshop The Warranty

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Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Poll - proposed warranty options:

- Civil unrest / riot
- War / nuclear fallout / nukilar fallout
- Force majeure / act of god / act of Bruce Willis
- The fruition of one or more inconvenient truths
- Attack by crazed Hitchcockian birds

Just a few concerns about warranty. I know we’ll be covered for standard things like component failure, and that’s ok I guess, if not a little vanilla. But I would take great comfort in knowing that in certain extreme circumstances, my warranty would stay intact. Even if my loved ones don’t.

It might be a stretch to cover all of these outcomes, so I thought I’d poll the community on what their greatest fears are. When things go south, the last thing anyone wants to worry about is their handheld. Me, I’ve just moved in next door to the Nakatomi Plaza, so I think you can guess what I’ll be voting for.

I’m also interested in specific scenarios. For example, if the Bluetooth goes postal and takes down the plane I’m on, will you also replace my Timex and toiletry bag?

Thanks in advance.
Gruso said:
For example, if the Bluetooth goes postal and takes down the plane I’m on, will you also replace my Timex and toiletry bag?
Great now the patriot act is going to put a halt to the pandora. :lol:
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My requested protections:

Battery fires
Abnormal component overheating or destruction without excessive overclock
atomicthumbs said:
My requested protections:

Battery fires
Abnormal component overheating or destruction without excessive overclock
Bears are the biggest concern I have, they seem attracted to Ad-Hoc wifi networks. Just the other day a bear took my cellphone and made a few unwarranted calls. The last thing we need is for bears to run around with Pandoras, communicating through Ad-Hoc wifi networks while racking up giant cellphone bills. Each Pandora should come with bear repellent for the sake of the bears and those paying bills.
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I'm currently using baby seals as slaves to drill for oil on sacred Inuit ground in the Antarctic, so I'd like it if the warranty covered being brought to justice by Steven Seagal.
The warranty should cover unfortunate blender related incidents.

EDIT: And also the bears. Definately the bears.
What about Da Bears? are we warranted against them?


(anyone who tried to play that >.>... you owe me a cookie)
These are very important questions and I'm disappointed that the devs haven't replied yet.

I also want to know the name of the company that will be producing the pandora so I can sue their a$$ off for the delay in the release.

The initial frustration has been followed by a deep bout of depression and my doctor tells me it could be incurable (at least until I get pre-order email). But how can I sue for $10 million if I don't know the company name ???
I want kiddy protection.
My nieces. nephew and friends kids all delight in sneaking off with my latest tech toys, abusing them with milk, pop and biscuit crumbs and putting them back while expecting me not to notice.
Bastards :angry:

EDIT: I'll write you an I.O.U for that cookie Soulkiller ;)
I'm going to include a Hitchcockian bird randomly in some Pandora boxes.

Will it be Janet Leigh? Or a ravenous crazed pigeon? YOU will find out.
Kings said:
atomicthumbs said:
My requested protections:

Battery fires
Abnormal component overheating or destruction without excessive overclock
Bears are the biggest concern I have, they seem attracted to Ad-Hoc wifi networks. Just the other day a bear took my cellphone and made a few unwarranted calls. The last thing we need is for bears to run around with Pandoras, communicating through Ad-Hoc wifi networks while racking up giant cellphone bills. Each Pandora should come with bear repellent for the sake of the bears and those paying bills.

You cannot protect against bears:


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WizardStan said:
Each Pandora comes must come with one can of pepper spray, and a little bell.
Given that

Grizzly bear shit has bells in it and smells like pepper.

I don't know how much that would be worth. :lol:
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