Let's Label This Mofo


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
A few people on the blog are asking for a labelled version of the rev5 board. Just for a bit of fun / geek porn. We did this a few revs back, but I think a new one would make a nice follow up post on the blog. I've kicked it off with some basics (100% accuracy not guaranteed).


Anyone care to add their own knowledge / educated guesses / ridiculous suggestions? If so, whip out the GIMP / MS Paint and we'll collaborate in the most unrefined way possible. Dev team members are welcome to contribute of course, though I don't expect they have the time or energy for such shenanigans. Perhaps stepping in to make corrections when we royally screw it up will suffice. If we end up with something informative at the end, we'll pass it on to the blog crowd. :)
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old pic

also, u12 is the burr brown dac (pcm1773)
also again, take a look here http://gs113.photobucket.com/groups/n213/I0S2J7KION/?action=view&current=IMG_1037-1.jpg
The omap is not TI branded, because the ram and rom are mounted on top of the omap himself.
I think the small one could be the dsp...
The small one could be the companion(charge controller and audio iirc) chip. Hey, let's make a hardware resource thread with datsheets, pinouts and all :D

U11 is obviously the LCD controller.
U14 is a 5V step-up converter(that thing that shouldn't be touched) iirc.
torpor said:
DSP is in the OMAP (on-chip) so no .. its probably an i/o controller, or .. ?
IIRC notaz told us what its purpose was back in the days in 2008. Charge controller and audio ports, or something. I'm at work right now, so no time to search..
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The smaller chip which you had labeled as OMAP is a TPS65950 (hence there's Texas on it)

The OMAP3530 is the bigger chip above that one. You cannot see the TI logo on it because it comes as a package-on-package. The processor has a FCBGA socket on top of it and in that one sits the memory chip. Thus you are seeing the top of the memory package which sports a micron logo.

U3 might be SN74AVCA406L (SD voltage)
U7 might be TSC2046 (touch screen)
U11 might be SN74AVC32T245.
U12 might be PCM1337 (DAC, as pointed out by WhiteBat)
U13 might be TPA6110A2 (amplifier, as pointed out by nikkopt)
U18 might be ATmega8L (for the nubs)
U19 might be SN74ALVC00 (NAND gate)
U21 might be SN74AVC8T245.
U22 same as U18
U24 might be SN74LVC1404 (oscillator; X2 might be the crystal)

and since noone mentioned it
J9: power connector (battery)

Always remember:
U14 - Do not touch when live
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wea0 said:
The smaller chip which you had labeled as OMAP is a TPS65950 (hence there's Texas on it)

The OMAP3530 is the bigger chip above that one. You cannot see the TI logo on it because it comes as a package-on-package. The processor has a FCBGA socket on top of it and in that one sits the memory chip. Thus you are seeing the top of the memory package which sports a micron logo.

U11 might be SN74AVC32T245.
U12 might be PCM1337 (DAC, as pointed out by WhiteBat)
U13 might be TPA6110A2 (amplifier, as pointed out by nikkopt)
U18 might be ATmega8L (for the nubs)
U19 might be SN74ALVC00 (NAND gate)
U21 might be SN74AVC8T245.
U22 same as U18

Always remember:
U14 - Do not touch when live
Excellent first post, btw :D
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Bampt said:
good to see that the shoulder buttons are that solid.
Good quality compared to the cheap soulder buttons inside the gp2x WIZ.
They (on the pandora) look like the ones on the NDS to me (but they all look the same anyway, sooo...)

Maybe someone could use replacement shoulder buttons for the NDS as L2/R2 on the Pandora?
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mali said:
The small one could be the companion(charge controller and audio iirc) chip. Hey, let's make a hardware resource thread with datsheets, pinouts and all :D

U11 is obviously the LCD controller.
U14 is a 5V step-up converter(that thing that shouldn't be touched) iirc.
the small companion south of the omap+mem is the power management chip.
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