Left My Gp2x On The Bus : |

sensible GP32 posted on Dec 28 2006 at 06:44 PM said:
do you people actually read the posts?
Yeah I thought the same thing. A little beside the fact at this point ;)

*7 years later the gp2x is found on the exact seat it was left on*
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hitbyambulance posted on Dec 27 2006 at 03:38 AM said:
well, my brother got me a new one as a combination birthday/xmas present for *this year, so i'm back in the scene!

this one was purchased at gp2xstore.com ... i have to compare the two i've had, now. the build quality seems to be slightly better on this unit, and the joystick feels noticeably sturdier. the screen does seem to be a bit more 'flickerly' when viewed from a bottom angle, and i think it has a somewhat more difficult time registering 'down' presses on the stick.

try pulling the cap up a little bit. that happens to me a lot, but it's always because the sleeve on the bottom of the cap keeps the stick from going far enough in that direction. of course, since it's such a small difference, you think, wtf, i'm going down. but see if pulling the cap up a little bit doesn't help. Actually, when i first got mine i did like many others and put a tiny bit of paper inside the cap in order to avoid this.
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TelcoLou posted on Dec 28 2006 at 03:45 PM said:
... many don't bother reading readme files or forum rules regarding grave-digging either :P

i wanted to update the situation, and it seemed most convenient to post in the same thread i started... but i couldn't edit the title of my post to reflect the new developments. ah well... thanks for the well-wishes, all. i'm gonna try to keep my absent-mindedness in check from now on. (this one even seems to overclock exactly the same as my old one - still, i really wish i hadn't lost it in the first place..)

lesson learned - put your name, contact info and "reward if returned" on your small and expensive electronic devices, if you take them out of the house!* the chances of it being returned would improve significantly, especially if it's an somewhat obscure linux-based media player...

* or even if they never leave your room - remember the Australian home invasion thread from last year.
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