Leather holster for the Pyra

Eight Bit

Hardcore Member
Nov 16, 2008
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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As can be read and seen in the old thread here https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/i-had-a-leather-holster-made.81821/ I had a leather holster made for my Pandora back in 2017 and was planning to have one made for my Pyra as well. I emailed the authentic made to measure shoe maker if he would be willing to make one or multiple holsters for the Pyra too and I just received a reply that he would like that and that he has some good ideas for a new and better iteration too. He asked me to come over to his new shop with my Pyra and bring the old Pandora holster for some maintenance too :)

So, next week I will go do that and will also ask him for a quote on the new holster.
I wanted to make a poll here to see who would be interested but I guess it would be better to have some more info like the price and design.
So I guess this post is just a heads-up :)
The shoe maker has made a plastic shrink-wrap mold of my Pyra and my GPD MicroPC (I want a holster for that too).
He did say that it is going to be more expensive than the last time but couldn't give me a quote yet... fingers crossed.
As soon as he's made the gypsum pyra and microPC, he will figure out the prices and mail me about it. I will then post here to see if people are still interested.