Certified Guru
I got a chance to have a go on one of these today. It's an educational toy for kids, but underneath it's a pretty powerful handheld.
Its got a 32bit processor, though I've no idea of the speed.
There is a 4" Backlit touchscreen, full color. In the art studio, you can draw pictures right on the screen, so it's not one of those crappy game.com-like "touchscreens".
The games on it are all educational, and they're for 8year olds and younger, but after reading more into it, they are developed in Macromedia Flash. I would love to have a go making a proper game on one of these. A good doom port would be just the thing
Just thought i'd bring this to the attention of any fathers, or potential fathers. I'm definatley getting my neice one for her birthday. It is an awesome toy, and a great gift idea.