Lamp Setup On Pandora


Still Fresh
Aug 11, 2009
First post, so apologies if I'm not following protocol- or this has been answered already.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if it'll be easy/feasible to get a serviceable LAMP framework (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) running on Pandora- preferably something as easy to use as XAMPP.

EDIT: Oops- just found my answer through a board search.
Mods, please delete this thread if that answer still holds. :)
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jamesr said:
First post, so apologies if I'm not following protocol- or this has been answered already.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if it'll be easy/feasible to get a serviceable LAMP framework (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) running on Pandora- preferably something as easy to use as XAMPP.
I don't know how "easy to use" XAMPP is, but it surely can't have an easier installation process compared to the package-based installation process you get in almost all Linux distributions. I don't know if anyone has packaged Apache etc for Ångström because it's a distribution for embedded devices (the repository browser is down so I can't check), but if someone has, it's as easy as typing:
"ipkg install apache"
"ipkg install mysql"
"ipkg install php"
...and you're done.
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All are available for the Angstrom demo install for BeagleBoard, which means it's almost guaranteed to work with the Pandora. A few tweaks perhaps, at worst.
Except the php package is named modphp instead of just php. Not sure if there's an appreciable difference between the two.
dflemstr said:
jamesr said:
First post, so apologies if I'm not following protocol- or this has been answered already.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if it'll be easy/feasible to get a serviceable LAMP framework (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) running on Pandora- preferably something as easy to use as XAMPP.
I don't know how "easy to use" XAMPP is, but it surely can't have an easier installation process compared to the package-based installation process you get in almost all Linux distributions. I don't know if anyone has packaged Apache etc for Ångström because it's a distribution for embedded devices (the repository browser is down so I can't check), but if someone has, it's as easy as typing:
"ipkg install apache"
"ipkg install mysql"
"ipkg install php"
...and you're done.

XAMPP is extra easy to use, it installs everything for you as well as phpMyAdmin to boot. Then it has a little control panel program that can start and stop all the processes. But I'm pretty sure XAMPP is a Windows-only thing, IIRC.

-God Ginrai
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WizardStan said:
All are available for the Angstrom demo install for BeagleBoard, which means it's almost guaranteed to work with the Pandora. A few tweaks perhaps, at worst.
Except the php package is named modphp instead of just php. Not sure if there's an appreciable difference between the two.

At a guess, "modphp" is just the Apache module, where as the normal PHP package is a full package containing stand-alone CLI and a few other things.
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it is more than just that, you have to install the mysql phpmod as well, and then(if the apache installer hasn't already) make the server boot up as a service.

This also leads to a sufficient editor, I would rather not use nano in the command line to edit my files.
Kloplop321 said:
it is more than just that, you have to install the mysql phpmod as well, and then(if the apache installer hasn't already) make the server boot up as a service.

This also leads to a sufficient editor, I would rather not use nano in the command line to edit my files.

vim runs perfectly under angstrom :D
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I never really used vim. No future plans either, though since my fav program in windows, and I use it under wine, I can't run it on the Pandora. Quanta was "okay" but it is too bulky for the Pandora. Kate was okay for an editor. I would rather at least have a GUI with syntax highlighting, but error detection would also be nice.
Kloplop321 said:
I never really used vim. No future plans either, though since my fav program in windows, and I use it under wine, I can't run it on the Pandora. Quanta was "okay" but it is too bulky for the Pandora. Kate was okay for an editor. I would rather at least have a GUI with syntax highlighting, but error detection would also be nice.
+1 that Kate is an excellent editor, I use it for everything. Vim rocks too (Syntax highlighting? No problem. Error checking? No problem. Incremental code compilation, module deployment? No problem. Cooking eggs and bacon while reading your morning newspaper aloud and constructing a space shuttle? Well, if you write the correct script files for it, then its no problem :P)

...but you'll have to get used to the mode-based editing style, that, once you've learnt it, is a very efficient input method, but can be a bit difficult to learn at first. Oh, and if you need a GUI editor, test GVim or Kate's Vi emulation.
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Oddly enough I like GEdit. Opens stupidly fast, runs light, nice highlighting and is generally simple but with the few nice added things that make it always useful.
Enverex said:
Oddly enough I like GEdit. Opens stupidly fast, runs light, nice highlighting and is generally simple but with the few nice added things that make it always useful.
Well, on GNOME, it's usually enough for my needs. It has some very nice extensions cripts if you care to look for them.

I tend to miss code folding (aka this:

) and the integration like the kate kpart provides in other applications (so Kate is basically used to view text files in other applications, such as KMail, Konqueror etc so that you get syntax highlighting there too), though.

...but let's not discuss this too deeply, or we might spark a flame war.
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dflemstr said:
Kloplop321 said:
I never really used vim. No future plans either, though since my fav program in windows, and I use it under wine, I can't run it on the Pandora. Quanta was "okay" but it is too bulky for the Pandora. Kate was okay for an editor. I would rather at least have a GUI with syntax highlighting, but error detection would also be nice.
+1 that Kate is an excellent editor, I use it for everything. Vim rocks too (Syntax highlighting? No problem. Error checking? No problem. Incremental code compilation, module deployment? No problem. Cooking eggs and bacon while reading your morning newspaper aloud and constructing a space shuttle? Well, if you write the correct script files for it, then its no problem :P )

...but you'll have to get used to the mode-based editing style, that, once you've learnt it, is a very efficient input method, but can be a bit difficult to learn at first. Oh, and if you need a GUI editor, test GVim or Kate's Vi emulation.

I found vimtutor to be a great way to get on my feet in learning vim.

Enverex said:
Oddly enough I like GEdit. Opens stupidly fast, runs light, nice highlighting and is generally simple but with the few nice added things that make it always useful.

*cringe* I don't know what version they have at the computers here, but I hate GEdit. When you try to save a file you've edited, it says something along the lines of "The file you are trying to save has been edited. Would you like to Save?" and then it has two buttons: "Save" and "Don't Save" And then when you hit Alt+S, it opens one of the menus at the top. (Why underline the damn S if you aren't hotkeying it right!?!)

-God Ginrai
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